Best rabbit bedding?


6 Years
Aug 17, 2016
I have two older rescue rabbits and want to use their manure in my compost/as fertilizer. I've been giving them hay as their primary bedding source, but it takes a while to break down and makes the compost a little hard to handle when I'm using it in smaller pots. Anyone have an idea for bedding that might work better for composting needs? I used the paper-based bedding when they were indoors, which worked great, but it seems like it would become a soggy mess outside even in their covered hutch.
I have two older rescue rabbits and want to use their manure in my compost/as fertilizer. I've been giving them hay as their primary bedding source, but it takes a while to break down and makes the compost a little hard to handle when I'm using it in smaller pots. Anyone have an idea for bedding that might work better for composting needs? I used the paper-based bedding when they were indoors, which worked great, but it seems like it would become a soggy mess outside even in their covered hutch.
Your rabbits would probably be healthier on wire floors.
Hm, these are my first rabbits, so I’m willing to learn, but...I feel like quite a few sources say that the wire is hard on their feet. Thoughts?
Not if you have the proper kids of wire. Rabbits in commercial rabbitries are all on wire. I had my rabbits on wire and everyone I knew that had rabbits did the same. I never had any trouble. If you are concerned about it you can always give the rabbit a board to sit on.
I have also kept rabbits on wire. It works well. I got a doe with sore hocks this summer and had it heal while she was on wire. I give them a board in there away from the food that they can lay on. I also raise them on the dirt ground but you are not going to be doing much poop collecting with that method.
I use flax bedding. It's soft, absorbent and I believe compostable. For the most part they use a litter box
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