best rooster breed?

I had a RIR he was the greatest bird ever and one of the prettiest roosters i have seen. Now i am considering a leghorn. I like their look though to be honest i really don't know much about them. :) If i could be sure my next RIR roo would look and act like my last i would go for one of them again/
I have 4 roosters that I would prefer to stick to.

For looks I would go for Brown Leghorn. With it's feather colouring I think it is one of the best looking roosters. Similar colouring to the original jungle fowl.

I like big roosters. Black Jersey giants will make many a fox think twice before attacking.

I also like agressive Roosters that will attack any predators even though roo will more often loose, atleast it buys the hens time for me to get there. Generally the RIR and Plymouth Rocks are quite aggressive.
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We had leghorn from a chick. It became very aggressive not to my husband but to me and he went to alternative accommodation, We now have a great Australorp and had a lovely big barred Plymouth Rock very gentle until he sadly got taken by a fox and 4 girls in the night he would have defended them to the end but never attacked a human.
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