BEST thread of 2010?


Free Ranging
16 Years
Feb 14, 2008
This world is not my home.
Anyone care to vote on the best thread for the year 2010? How about we have several nominations and someone pick the most nominated threads and do a poll?

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That's it? No one had great learning or great fun on one particular thread above all others?

Personally I found much info and fun on several threads...I'm a sampler. But some threads seemed to grow a life of their own and take off like that one of Cindiloo's! Incredible how fast it went!

Most of the ones I like get shut down.....
Hm............... I'd say................. Urm.................................. Crazy Pullets/Cocks and Wingclan
I like a lot of the chat threads, like Crazy Pullets/Cocks of BYC, The CAA (Chicken Addiction Anonymous), and some threads of that sort, but I also love The Welsummer Thread and some of those religeous threads (I know, I really shouldn't like those because they are sure to be closed, but I like sharing what I think and hearing what others have to say
Sounds funny!

Louie, I like the Christian based threads also....I really like sharing and fellowshipping there. The speed of their getting shut down is merely affirmation to me that truth has seeped out and someone wants it stopped!

There is a Wyandotte thread....Wine Dots, to be exact, that I see popping up frequently that a role play one too?

I must admit that I don't often go on the game threads....I'm too old to appreciate those, I'm thinking.

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