best way to cull a young chick - please help - never had to do it!!!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 3, 2008
hi everyone.

well my sick chick that has been falling over backwards still wont stand up - head still looks bent back (and slightly to the left) and over its shoulders.....
and it still does nothing but lay on its having hoped it would get better - i think it might be time to cull it but have never done it before....
can someone please advise me the best/easiest/quickest way to do this......the chick is a few days old now.... thanks
I can't tell you whether or not to cull. What I can tell you is that the easiest on the chick will be the hardest for you. I think the best idea I've read about is to use a sharp pair of scissors to snip the head off. Do not use the starter fluid method. I did and will forever regret it!!!!!!!
I guess it just depends on what you have the guts to do. Here are some ways I've heard. Using kitchen scissors to cut the head off. Whack the head off with a hatchet. Putting the chick in a paper bag and running it over with your car tire. Suffocating them with starter fluid (just my opinion) I've heard bad things about that method. Cutting their throats. Put them in an air tight container like Tupperware to suffocate them. Shooting them with a pellet gun. I only have the guts to shoot them with my pellet gun. I can't stand the sight of blood. Besides it so instant. I hope this helps some. It is a very difficult decision to make. Maybe you could find someone else to do it for you. :aww
Get a can of started fluid (for automobiles) spary it on to a rag. Soak the rag thru. Place the rag and the chick in a sealed bucket or coffee can. The chick will quietly and painlessly die. I hope this helps. When I have to do this I do it just before bed and the bird is dead in the morning.
I find it easiest with chicks to just step on them, then chuck them in the burn barrel. Believe me, you can't get any quicker, and humane.
With the scissors, it's a very quick death and you know it isn't suffering for a prolonged period of time. I would use that method, as it seems the most humane.
You can always call the nearest vet clinic. I wouldn't expect it would be very expensive to have a chick euthanized, and you'd know it was a gentle way to go.

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