Best Way to Introduce Ducklings to Dogs?

Lamar Estate

8 Years
Mar 3, 2011
St. Paul, Minnesota
I have 5 dogs. 2 of my mini-Dachshunds are afraid of the ducks, ducklings, and gosling. My Basset Hound is 14 years old and doesn't care about them. It's my standard Dachshund and one of the mini-Dachshunds that want to kill them.

Is there a good way to introduce my feathered babies to my cold wet nose babies?

This is Humphrey (standard Dachshund) waiting by the door to the feathered babies. I usually hear a big sigh and then see a black nose poking under the door.

I wish I had a good answer for you, but I have read too many heartbreaking stories on here about folks and dogs vs chicks or ducks. We have 2 dogs who are wonderful with our birds, but they are in the minority. I hope you find a safe way to do this. Good luck.
I have 3 mini dachshunds and one med. size mix breed bird dog, they all hang around the ducks when WE are outside with them, I would never leave my dogs with the ducks or chickens without supervision. Dachshunds have a strong prey drive as your fully aware of. When my ducks hatched ducklings we used the word leave it when the dogs got to close. we are doing the same with the chicks we have now. and in 30 days we'll have Muscovy ducklings and have to do it again. Now the goose is another story, the dogs are afraid of him.
I have 2 JRT that are great with my chicks and ducks. Luckily they understand what the word "no" means. When the babies were in the brooder we would take them out on a daily basis and let the dogs see and smell them. We continuously told them "no" and they soon realized that the "new babies" were off limits. So far I have not had any problems. Hope this helps!
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Slowly and very carefully.
I have found ducklings to existing dogs easier than a new dog to existing ducks, but so far, both are fine.
I trust my greyhound and doberman with the ducks and they are all free to roam the yard during the day - dogs have access to the dog door to the yard and ducks free range that same yard.
The new dane is doing very well with them, but I won't trust her for quite some time alone with the ducks if I'm not around to check on them. I do let her use the dog door on her own when I'm here, but she's kenneled when I'm not.

For duckings to dogs, I just let the dogs see the ducks - they were in a dog kennel at dog nose height. When I moved the ducks out of the kennel to the bathroom or where ever, I showed them each to whatever dog was around at the time. If they got too close and the duckling didn't like it, they snapped at the dog's nose. Dog sticks their nose in the kennel, somebody would run over and snap their nose. The ducklings trained the dogs to leave them alone.
I have a jack russel and she is crazy, legit she licks the windows when she sees them and cant get to them and we are touching/playing with them but when she arent doing anything with the new chicks and new ducks she dosent pay attention, but the big ducks she constanly at the window shaking and staring at them lock on..and before somehow she got out of the porch and she got through the duck pen and when i got out there she had a ducks neck in her mouth and then she let go of it real quick and went to another one and repeated it until i could catch her and said no with such a deep voice i thought i went through puberty 6 times, and she just laid down and rolled on her back and peed family and i have confirmed that she has ADD, she stares at us for less than 3 sec and then looks out the widow and then looks back and then goes and drinks and its just crazy...

I couldnt get a good picture she wouldnt sit still! I look like a creeper..
My gosling has started to hiss at the dogs if they sneak inside my office. Yesterday, he got a hold of a very small part of Simon's nose. Unfortunately, Simon is still wanting a piece of him.
I have 2 dogs.. one is too old to be bothered with the duck but I have a mini fox terrier who can be bothered! However the duck grew and is now bigger then the dog! They are now best buds....
My Beagle is great with our chickens but the ducks on the other hand run away from her. All she really wants to do to the ducks is smell them up close. When i have them out free I tie her to a tree in the middle of the lawn to hopefully keep them safer then they would be otherwise.

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