Best way to treat these injuries. GRAPHIC PICS


12 Years
Jun 14, 2007
St. Clairsville, OH
We found 2 of our 7 week old Speckled Sussex's with their heads inside of the turkey cage tonight. He did a pretty good number on them. What is the best way to proceed with these injuries? I'm most worried about the one with the eye injury.







They are both eating and drinking and are very alert. I don't know what they were thinking putting their heads in there. I think they paniced on the first couple of pecks and didn't know how to back up. They obviously kept trying to go forward which just shoved their heads further into the cage. When my son found them they were just laying there and the turkey had already focused his attention on to other things.

The turkey, who is slated for Thanksgiving dinner, was in a wire dog kennel inside of the chicken coop. He has now been moved into the basement where he awaits his date with the chopping block.


i will let someone else give advice on the injuries. i will say that if they are eating and drinking that is a great sign to me. and being alert i would expect is too. i expect them to be in shock.
at least you moved the turkey so it can't happen again. i guess they have no backward gear, poor things.
WOW YOU WERE'NT KIDDING! Wow, I'm really really sorry. I was tearing up reading that and looking at the pictures. I don't know really, but this is what someone told me when my chick was attacked by a cat. rinse with saline solution (I think it's just like salt and water boiled or something!!) and put some apple cider vinegar in the water.

I hope they get better!!

Maybe you should bring them to the vet?
put electrolytes/vitamin in the waterer (they probably wont drink so every hour or so dribble water along beak/dip beak in waterer
... flush wounds with sterile saline and then with a disinfectant (.5% solution) such as Novalsan or a chlorhexidine (you can spray this on) and then apply triple antibiotic creme /Neosporin
saparate from other birds to a quiet temp stable place (I would suggest you not leave in coop or barn)
KEEP WARM >this is most important. are my on wound mangmnt:
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I am so sorry !! Bless their little hearts. I would say to clean them up with a half solution of peroxide and then rinse it well with water. Triple antibiotic cream and keep them isolated away from the other chicks until they heal, so they don't get pecked on. If they peck at each other, maybe use wound kote.
Not sure that the one has not already lost it's eye, but infection will be the priority now. Animals are amazing at how they can deal with disabilities. Hope this helps.
They are already in the house under a light. I put the electrolytes in their water already. They are drinking fine. I'm making them some eggs and homemade yogurt for dinner.

I don't have the saline solution but I was just reading how to make my own. What % solution should I use?

I have blue kote, iodine solution and triple antibiotic ointment in my emergency pet first aid kit.

Thanks so much! The blood has dried now but they looked like something out of a horror movie when we first found them.

Take care,

I have had two of my leghorns that was pecked on the back and top of their heads where it looked just like yours. We just applied a good amount of hydrocortizone to the area once, let it go and all will turn black and scab over. Now the leghorns are back to where you can hardly tell they were injured. They keep laying all along, bless them.
I also have 66 other hens with one turkey and two roosters all in the same hen house with no problems.
I would try to ensure it does not dry out (very important)... gently gently take something very soft (and sterile>cotton?) and soak it in the warm/tepid (not hot) sterile saline (to make this boil 1/4 tsp salt in a quart of water for five minutes) and ohhhh so gently lay it on the area till it is remoistened (with the head injury I would sparay it on from a sterile spray container)... please use Novalsan or a chlorhexidine based solution as the disinfectent afterwards... keep moist with the Neosporin (blue kote will dry it out so dont use that) (do this each day at least once)
do not offer any dry feed but keep it moistened (worry about keeping the bird hydrated for now for the coming 24 hours).
As far as the light it possible to keep them in a basket or such in the bathroom? A dark place is really better for the shock instead of having a light shine on them.... you can heat up a sack of rice (in microwave ) and put under a towel and let them sit on this for warmth.
Main thing is to keep warm and hydrated the next 48 hours when they will be in shock

ETA: when you have got it clean and the birds and gotten through the next 48 hours I would suggest you also try and get this product to keep it moist during the healing:
PS...this (and neosporin) is not an opthamalic med for the eye and should not be used IN the eye,> once it is possible to do so you will need to flush that and get a specifically-for-the-eye (opthamalic) eyecreme for that after flushing it out with sterile saline)
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Dlhunicorn... thanks for all of your help.

The light they are under is a black reptile light. I figured this was better than a white light. Our house isn't well insulated so it gets really cold no matter what room you are in.

I'm making the saline solution now and I can get whatever else I need tomorrow.

I will keep you all updated. I'm hoping for the best!

Thanks again.


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