Best white egg layer for backyard flock?

Most docile white egg layer backyard flock?

  • Red leghorn

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buff leghorn

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Exchequer leghorn

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • California grey

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • California white

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • Andalusian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sicilian buttercup

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Silver spangled Hamburg

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ancona

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buff minorca

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters


Crossing the Road
7 Years
May 8, 2017
I'm really wanting to add a white layer to my flock but from what I've read they are all on the flighty side and not fond of confinement. In your opinion, which white layers, if any, are the least flighty/ noisy and would do ok in a mixed backyard flock? and yes they are in a large coop and run the majority of the time. Also, which, if any, are an absolute no for my situation? Thanks in advance!
People say White Leghorns are super flighty and need a ton of room. Mine is very friendly and does great in the run or free ranging. I actually have trouble getting back inside when she’s loose lol she follows me like a dog into the garage lol
All white egg-layers are flighty timid etc.. I would recommend a white leghorn if you want a great egg-layer and a white egg-layer. There are other chicken breeds though that lay cream color eggs and are close to white and will be a docile chicken.;)
All white egg-layers are flighty timid etc.. I would recommend a white leghorn if you want a great egg-layer and a white egg-layer. There are other chicken breeds though that lay cream color eggs and are close to white and will be a docile chicken.;)

I've got one. My faverolle lays a very light cream egg BUT.... I like the mediaterranean/ old school look of the white layers and would love to add that look and bright white eggs to the flock. I love silver spangled hamburgs and Sicilian buttercups but I think those are a hard no for an enclosed run. :rant
California Grey's have a white egg and supposed to be pretty mellow. They are a hybrid cross. Black/white Barred feathers.
Barred Holland also have a white egg, but you need to get from a private breeder cause the hatchery ones are not quite white. I have some they are really friendly and good foragers.
For your climate, I'd suggest a leghorn. They come in colors other than white. For pure eye candy, check out the Exchecquer! @bruceha2000 has at least one of these. He could tell you about their temperament.

The exchequer, red & buff leghorn are all on my short list. I'm just afraid they'll be looney and loud, but I love how they look. I'm kind of wondering about a California grey or California white or an austra white. I know they're not exactly heritage or the look I really want but maybe I could get white eggs and a docile bird.
California Grey's have a white egg and supposed to be pretty mellow. They are a hybrid cross. Black/white Barred feathers.
Barred Holland also have a white egg, but you need to get from a private breeder cause the hatchery ones are not quite white. I have some they are really friendly and good foragers.

Too funny. I just commented that I was considering the California grey. Definitely a possibility.

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