Best/Worst TV Commecials...

How about the Huggies commercial where the dad is at a party with his young son. So he goes to the coat room to change the kids diaper.

he lays the kid on the bed, takes the diaper off and the kid pees on the ceiling, knocks over pictures, the whole nine yards. It's like a fire hose!!

I hate that deodorant commercial where the girl keeps lifting up her arms and she sounds stupid. Like the first one she gives a guy and hight five and then goes "I didn't even know that guy.."
What about the Trunk Monkey on You tube? Was that a real commercial or something just on you tube? I love every single one of them - especially the one with the teens on lovers lane, Trunk Monkey gets in the back seat and you hear the shot gun pump action!!
see the carpet cleaning one with the golden retriever?

Hear kid say:"Look mom Toby learned a new trick." is doing a butt drag across the floor and you hear mom yell, "TOBY!!"

The discovery channel commercial: boom de yada boom de yada...I love arachanids...I love the whole world...

I can't help it, I think the two newest Geico caveman commercials are funny.

I don't like any of the prescription drug commercials. Just reminds me of how expensive it is.
HEAD ON APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD! I didn't even know what it was till i saw it in Wal-Mart.
I love the WaMu and Bank Of America commericals. 1 is totally random happiness "WOOHOO FREE CHECKING" and the other 1 justifies everything with 'This is America'

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