Better to adopt a chick, young cockerel or established rooster?


Love My Chickens
14 Years
Jul 28, 2009
Floyds Knobs, Indiana
My Coop
My Coop
I have five 2 week old chicks of various breeds (female). I am considering adding a rooster to the mix. I don't care about fertilized eggs. My DH just really wants a rooster, and I'm thinking of the protection factor that many say a rooster offers.

My question is....Would it make an easier transition for everyone involved to get a cockeral my own chicks age in a few weeks (thinking I might have to wait a few weeks to insure someone could tell that it WAS a male), or would it be better to just wait till early spring (I will not be allowing my girls out of their run to "free range" a bit until then).

I'm thinking if I wait, then the temperament of the cockerel/rooster will already be set, and I can get a "nice" that is known to be friendly and gentle (with people AND hens). But I like the idea of them growing up together if I get one while younger....

Your input would be appreciated.
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I'll tell you what I did. I bought chicks and kept one of the male as the rooster. He became aggressive towards me, my husband and our children. I rehomed him with someone who wanted a pure BR to keep in the pen with her BR hens. I then did my research into super sweet roo's. What I found is almost without exception the cochin breed is docile, and sweet. I found a show breeder (Star Cochins) and bought a 7 month old roo from her. He had broken his toe and couldn't show. He id the BEST roo! You can walk right up to him and pick him up and he is so good to the hens. I have a deaf hen who he makes sure stays with the group. If she get separated from the flock she calls out and he comes running to escort her back to the others. I like you don't have any interest in having chicks and I don't have a cochin hen. I think you can't go wrong getting a grown roo because you can get a better idea of what you you'll end up with.
Cochin's are slow growers so it can take 18 months for them to reach full size. Albert was 7 months old in this pic
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I`m gonna give you some sage advice here, based on more than a few years doing it. Your best shot is a mature cock, whether you add him to the flock now, or wait til spring is up to you. Adding a young rooster is just asking for conflict. A mature cock has many advantages, the main 2 being that you can know what his temperment is before you get him and he won`t hurt the youngsters. To locate candidates for your flock, put a note on the bulletin board at the feed store of on Craigs List. Check him out before you buy........Pop

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