Bielefelder hatch 2019


Second biele to hatch (#7) while I was at work today. Poor little guy is exhausted (took a long time to hatch from first pip). I'm a little worried about him but I'm letting him rest for now. He's quite active despite the photo. I'm 2/2 cockerels now. Figures.
Well turns out selling the bielefelders was kind of a bust. Everyone waiting on one bailed out because everyone wanted female chicks and I only have the one that is already reserved (for me). Since I'm WAY behind on my coop build/don't have space for a grow out area, I decided to just give away the two male chicks to someone just to get them out of the brooder, along with my buff Orpington female and my Rhode Island Red chick.

That will knock me down from seven chicks to three in the brooder, and leave me with my lavender Orpington, my blue Orpington, and the lone female bielefelder chick that I am keeping for myself. :D

Then I'm giving away one of my incubators to a friend along with six chocolate birchen eggs I have coming next week because I think I'm out of the hatching game for a little while, lol. Also I lost my kitchen pass for bringing in more birds. :oops:
While it may be a little disappointing that it didn't work out the way you wanted (I've learned that things often don't go according to my plans :lol:), it definitely seems like it was a good learning experience. It's awfully nice of you to hook up your pal like that - wish a friend had given me an incubator + eggs! :)

Now you have time to get your house in order (figuratively speaking) so that you'll be ready if you decide to add more someday. I can't stress enough how much more enjoyable chicken-keeping will be if you have everything ready before you start building your flock.

And, since you'll just have the 3, you can spoil them terribly. ;) Thanks for sharing your journey!

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