Bielefelder thread!!!!

I haven't had a mean Bielefelder yet. Here's one of my past boys.
Sooo... Talked with hubby about adding onto the coop. It's a go, but timing is up to Mr. Weatherman. Or in our case, Ms. Weatherlady. In either case, It'll be April or May, most likely. We'll get the materials and I'll get the pieces cut to size and painted, and as much pre-assembly done as possible.

I think I'm going to talk to my neighbor (probably through text) and tell her I need to order the birds I want in the next few days/week. If she wants to add on, great, if not, ok. She wasn't planning to split an order with me anyway, and she may be looking at cost more than breed. I think her plan is to bring in new layers and move some older birds to freezer camp, but I don't know.

I plan to order 3 pullet Bielefelders and 1 pullet Blue Australorp. I have a Chantecler rooster that I got from a friend here on BYC. He's "my guy" as long as he lives, so that's the reason I'm not getting a Biel cockerel. I don't have room enough to have two boys. Well, I don't want to find out I don't have room enough for two.

Last night I couldn't sleep, I was so excited. :gig
:jumpyChicks are ordered from Mt. Healthy!

:wee :celebrate:clap:woot:yesss::highfive:

Arrival expected about May 16th. 111 days from now. Not that I'm counting.

3 Bielefelder pullets and 1 Blue Australorp pullet. And 1 small order fee. :lau
That would be the day before my birthday! I hope that they arrive in top shape and condition for you!

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