BIG Al finally is the big man after re-homing of 2nd roo


7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
We knew BIG Al was a rooster when he developed a red comb and wattles at 5 weeks. He took his role very seriously, always looking after his hens. Tucking them in the coop at night, guiding them in their daily foraging and generally being a gentleman. That is until one day one of our flock began displaying roo signs. "P" was really big and honked his displeasure at anything that was not in line with what he wanted. He also pecked when someone got out of line. When BIG Al came up behind a hen laying down and his eyes popped- not that he knew what to do but at 13 weeks nature was kicking in and he knew THIS IS GOOD- "P" saw him and proceeded to knock him around. We knew then that "P" needed to go to a home with a harem of his own.
We found a home, just around the corner, of friends who wanted a BO roo for their BO hens. After much effort, we caught "P" and took him to his new home. We wondered how it would effect the flock. BIG Al hung around "P" alot and we worried BIG Al might miss his friend.
This morning I let my chick-a-doodle family out. All 5 began to free-range as they do each morning. I went to check the garden and as I turned around, I saw BIG Al stretching his neck out. He seemed to be trying to make himself as tall as possible- then he let out his first CROW! I was so proud of him. He let out a series of three and then joined the ladies- I think they were all a twitter as well. BIG Al now can truly be the BIG Man of the coop.

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