Big Announcement: BYC & Mark Zuckerberg / Facebook Partnership - BeakBook - April fool's 2013

I don't think it sounda like a bad idea. Folks can get too worked up about sillyness.
I use BYC and facebook both and feel like change is inevitable and welcome it.
My personal response is this. Make sure that all of the current BYC Moderators, Admin, etc., stay on with the same control. Don't let Mark Zuckerburg take over BYC, it would be disastrous. Also, make sure that he doesn't change too much up, as there is a majority of people on here who probably have taken a long time to get used to this site and its workings. The last thing I have to say is that we need to make sure it's not a millionaire's buy. You know, like if a millionaire wanted to have a farm, he would find a great farm that someone has put their lives and their past generation's lives into the farm, and make an offer that they couldn't refuse, only to turn it into his own little resort. So simply, be careful.
I'm not a big fan of Facebook. Their privacy issues and marketing/advertising tactics are frighteningly "big brother". I've so enjoyed my time on BYC because it's NOT Facebook. I'm willing to give it a look, but if they're talking about merging our BYC identities with our already very public business and personal FB, then...I'm outta here.
I like BYC the way it is.
Being affiliated with facebook would not be a bad idea, as long as we are not subject to drastic changes to the site and policies.

Things i do not want to happen:
buy facebook credits or abide by facebook policies concerning the BSA section.
to be influenced by Facebook policies.
log into facebook to view byc website.
having posts i make seen on my facebook page
Marketed to and researched by facebook advertisers

Remember us bird loving members help make this site what it is today, during your negotiations with facebook.
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Willing to give it a look, but this should be done with caution. I live in an area where big money has moved in because of how "quaint" it is and then turn it into their own little paradise by pushing out folks that measure living here in generations and not summers. Just something to think about...
This site is a site for bird people that's built on freely given shared knowledge, and on a simple- well working design that is easy enough that pretty much anybody can navigate. How will FB change that? I'm not naïve enough to think they will do this without some way to profit. Big breakdown is... your playhouse, what you say goes. I do recommend this site to first time chicken owners and others that are searching for information on many different levels.
Will I do it if FB's in the picture? Don't know.
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Like not so much...some of us are off the grid for a reason and use FB to our means, not big business'. You think Zuck does his own "farming?" There are many other online sources of even more reliable information now, to your credit. Don't make a deal with the devil on our behalf.
Not Interested. I'm not a fan of facebook. It's intrusive by it's very nature, has become nothing more than a vehicle for bully's and lame thinking for today's youth. Speaking of youth, Facebook's very nature is to "impress", be popular, that it's vitally important to have "friends" and follow the entertainment world like they "know" them personally. Then there is the "like us" push, quickly followed by the see who "unfriended you today" nonsense. I could but will not waste any more of your time regarding this National Enquirer type of electronic magazine. Many young teens and young adults (adults too) have limited social skills of interacting and communicating face to face due to this type of "social" society.

If it would get kids off the sofa, off the computer, back in the yard working, playing, gardening or building small projects, etc., it might be helpful. If it would actually raise more interest in raising chickens and all it involves, vs promote chicken raising to be the "in thing", then yes it could be helpful. However, there are already many avenues to promote healthy living, through gardening and small livestock, your site being the best.

Reaching the masses is important, but the vehicle needs to be kept clean, educational, and fun in a wholesome way, and I don't think Facebook would bring those standards that BYC already has in place.

I'm not an old fuddy, duddy. Just certainly know what "jumping on the wrong band wagon looks like." Thanks, I know my view will not be the popular one or the one you were hoping to find. But again, thanks for the opportunity to let you know my thoughts on the subject.
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I don't believe this is a ruse or perhaps a trial balloon. Although I have been wrong before, just ask my DW.
Where FB is a public company now and has investors to please maybe they are on the hunt to expand their advertising base. I know this site costs money to run and advertisers foot the bill for the most in part but a connection with FB would open an avenue for revenue but just don't want to be a part of the FB community.
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I applaud
the partnership to bring to others information on the rewards of raising chickens. That being said I personally I don't like nor use facebook If it can be done together but as separate entities. I don't want to sign up to FB to enter BYC. I understand this site costs money to run, as it expands the cost becomes greater. The advertisers pay for most of it but expanding to FB for more revenue will increase it but feel it will drag this site down. Anything beyond a casual partnership will become burdensome. If that happens I will find another site and sure others will follow. That's my two cents.

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