Big bare patch on back. Poor girl -- Please help -- What is it??


May 6, 2016
Hi, My beautiful five and a half month old golden laced wyandotte has a big bare patch on her back that is getting worse. First it looked like the big feathers were off, leaving mostly down feathers, now it is bare. Some feathers look broken off an inch or two from the skin. I have seen another hen peck her there, but not a lot. I have also seen her pecking around back there, but again not much. I did see what appeared to be some watery white poop dripping out at one point (diarrhea?).

She seems okay otherwise. She is the only one of my seven hens, all the same age, who is having a problem. Coop bedding is pine shavings. Run is river sand. Feed is organic layer feed (5 or 6 of them have started laying!)

The bare patch looks like pale skin with small scabby flat irregular dark patches.When I was examining her, one half inch long scabby patch came off; it was light with the dark spots.

It's been probably over a week, and getting worse. I very much appreciate any help! This is my first batch of chickens and I am very fond of them.

Thanks for any insights or recommendations.
This may be other chickens "bullying" that one. I would keep an eye on her, but the other chickens will sense a weak chicken. Not sure of anything else, I would be happy to check out my "Backyard Chicken Bible" and let you know!
Thanks, that would be great. I have tried researching online -- I have no chicken bible :( -- but have had no luck.
Appreciate your help!
PS I have not noticed bullying. Generally they seem pretty content. Though maybe they bully when I'm not looking ...

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