Big bird?


✝️ Perfectly Imperfect ✝️
May 31, 2019
Moore County, NC
This is Bonnie. She's 17 weeks old and I'm concerned about her size. I weighed her today and she's 6lbs 9ozs. Her keel bone is padded, unlike my other birds. She is fed the same as everyone else - Purina Flock Raiser. I know that some breeds of birds are extra large, but at what point do you get concerned about a deeper issue when dealing with a mixed breed? My BO, BR's, and SLW's weren't this big at this age. Heck, they're not much bigger (if they are) now as full grown hens.

I should also add that we don't give many treats, at all. Anytime we do, I've noticed that this is the only one of birds that will eat any and every thing offered to her. All of my birds have something they'll turn their beaks up at, but not Bonnie. We should have named her the feminine version of Mikey! (I had to explain who "Mikey" was, to my 9 year old daughter. Wait, did i just give away my age?)

Side note, that's neosporine on her earlobe. She sliced it on some exposed hardware cloth.



Thank you for the replies. She seems to be maturing quickly so hopefully she'll be laying and losing the extra padding soon. I've had a difficult time trying to figure out the pecking order in her flock, so you may be right about her being boss :)

@aart my avatar is my favorite picture of my daughter and I. In May, I'll be celebrating my 40th, with 2 years "padding"
@aart my avatar is my favorite picture of my daughter and I. In May, I'll be celebrating my 40th, with 2 years "padding"
That commercial ran from 72-84...according to a quick google.
So you must have just caught it.
Padding as in you're really going to be 42?
Or the thickening most of us go thru. :gig

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