Big birds (LF brahmas) afraid of chicks?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
So my 5 week old chicks (layers and meaties) are free ranging for part of the day, every day now. They are allowed to go anywhere they want, with me hovering nearby.
The thing is, every time the chicks have an encounter with the adult birds it's the brahmas that back off. Yesterday, one of my light brahma hens (Jezebel, who is also the largest of the hens) came up around the chicks out of curiosity, but when a chick approached her Jezzie went running for the hills, squawking the whole way.
What gives?
When she saw the chicks she realized you don't need her. She would not go broody and you got new chicks anyway. She thought she and her cabal were in control of that and found out they are not. She feels guilty, confused, and betrayed. I think therapy for her and the other old ones is called for.

Or maybe she recognized the meaty for what it is and visions of chicken and dumplings ran through her head. She still needs therapy.
LOL I am going through this now!! I just got a HUGE Dark Brahma and my 15 week old Barred Rock chases her all over the yard. AND SHE RUNS!! This Brahma is 5 months old and I wish she would realize she could SIT on the BR and win! No luck. is a thread about the odd dynamics lol, look how much BIGGER the Brahma is compared to the Barred Rock! Go figure!
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Edited, cuz that didn't come out right.

P.S. You owe my DH a new keyboard.
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"Buh-GAWK! Those are meaties! MOMMA EATS CHICKEN!"


That's good too, except my adult chickens favorite treat is...wait for it....CHICKEN!
Yup, I've seen that too, we had some little game chicks free ranging and one ran into the big bad Sumatra pen

we rushed over to try to rescue it before they hurt it and they were scattering every which way flying as high and far away as they could - SQWACKING the hole time like something was killing them.

My son and I were in hysterics at the big brave Sumatra game birds fleeing from a little day old chick!!! It was hilarious!!!
When you free range, have you noticed any segregation in your flock? My adult birds, all brahmas as I said, tend to run in groups - lights with lights, darks with darks, etc. Even my dark brahma roo's favorite hen is a dark like him.
Now I'm seeing it with the chicks. The meat birds tend to stick together and so do the layer chicks. In the brooder they interact fine together but outside they split up into their respective groups.
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