BIG BUTT Hen normal? PIC!!!!!

bald k9

10 Years
Sep 5, 2009
Rural Edwardsville
Hello I waswatching my Marans eating today [butts facicng me] and i noticed one of the 3 its like she has a big bottom with hips,they are the same age, and all just starting laying, all seems healthy, but her backside,is alot fuller or fatter,[like she's pregnant], and the poop is getting stuck to the feathers, i washed her earlier, but poop still gets stuck,,is this normal? thanks for the help its the one on the left
Some pullets/hens just have more junk in the trunk...
And some have more issues with getting poo on their fuzzy behinds, probably more a case of not angling things right when pooing rather than too much fuzz. You can trim away a bunch of the fuzz back there, and it will help for a while. My GLW is that way - she gets a trim job every few months.
I think she's perfect. Nearly all of my BA's and BO's have a similar shape and they're all quite productive. I do have to clean the eggs a little more if I don't keep after the girls and make sure they're trimmed and tidy -- they take all that right to the nestbox with them and happily sit on (and dirty) their eggs and everyone else's. But health-wise, I think it's a good sign.

(now I'm humming "I like big butts and I cannot lie..." Thanks for THAT earworm!)

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