Big Cut on chicks neck!


Dec 6, 2020
Grande Prairie Alberta
Chick is 2 days old he hatched under our hen along with a other this morning I came out just to check to make sure they were warm I saw a bit of red so I checked it out he had a big gash on the side of his neck just above the wing. We have taken him inside with a heat lamp, food and water it’s not really bleeding
(GRAPIC PHOTOS BELOW) tried to get good photos but he is too fluffy bigger cut than it looks. First time hatching chicks so first time mom

Edit: he is in a dog crate
I'm so sorry that happened. That's always traumatic when tiny chicks get injured!

I keep powdered yarrow on-hand to treat wounds like that because it's so effective at stopping bleeding and speeding healing. Yarrow is a wildflower that grows throughout much of the United States. It might grow near you, or you can order dried yarrow from Mountain Rose Herbs. You could also buy some Vetricyn wound care spray (available in most large pet stores, co-ops, and Amazon) to help clean the wound, alleviate pain, and speed healing.

Good luck!
Is this something mom did you think? I can't tell exactly where the injury is in your pic. Wondering if you're experiencing what I did when I hatched a clutch of sulmtalers. By day 3, multiple chicks had gashes showing up around their necks and head. Took me 2 days to figure out what was happening. Basically they were born with talons and were slicing themselves to pieces every time they scratched.

Vetricyn always works well for me. I had to keep mine separated. Any blood or redness and the picking begins.
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Is this something mom did you think? I can't tell exactly where the injury is in your pic. Wondering if you're experiencing what I did when I hatched a clutch of sulmtalers. By day 3, multiple chicks had gashes showing up around their necks and head. Took me 2 days to figure out what was happening. Basically they were born with talons and were slicing themselves to pieces every time they scratched.

Vetricyn always works well for me. I had to keep mine separated. Any blood or redness and the picking begins.

He was acting really weak so I gave him a bit of electro lights with a bit less sugar than it called for. Did your chicks live , how do you tell if they have talons, do you clip the nails?
He was acting really weak so I gave him a bit of electro lights with a bit less sugar than it called for. Did your chicks live , how do you tell if they have talons, do you clip the nails?

is he eating or drinking o n his own? Treat the wound. Very hard for a baby so young to fight an infection. Mine were healthy other than the scratches so they healed with minimal TLC. I filed their nails with an emery board.
He is drinking and eating now the cut has no sign of infection we just filed his nails down and put him back with his mother the cut is really hard to see and she hasn’t picked at it over two days was that a wrong move?

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