Big girl food vs start and grow

Hi. :frow

Layer has more calcium and less protein (4%+ and 16%)... I NEVER switch. I use 20% protein flock raiser, as 16% is the bare minimum to support light bodied layers like leghorn and mine are all dual purpose birds. Feathers are made from 90% protein and it's amino acids. And energy comes from only 3 sources... fat, carbs (including fiber), and protein... I choose my extra energy to come for protein which has more nutrients than the other choices.

I do provide oyster shell free choice on the side for those who need it for laying.

If layer is your choice... I would switch around 20+ weeks or AFTER I start seeing eggs.

Otherwise your current feed is fine and offer oyster shell starting around 16-18 weeks this time of year... laying hormone is dictated by light so diminishing days can make them take a little longer than spring layers.

Good luck! :pop
They all should be laying. I personally don't use layer. Mine go from grower to an All Flock ration. I put out a separate bowl of oyster shells for the calcium needs when they get to be 4-5 months old.

Happy to report they are laying. I’ve been adding grit to the feed. What is All Flock ration? Thanks

They all should be laying. I personally don't use layer. Mine go from grower to an All Flock ration. I put out a separate bowl of oyster shells for the calcium needs when they get to be 4-5 months old.

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