Big Mike's Calamata Olive Walnut Bread


15 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Scenic Jackson New Jersey
More like cake/bread than bread. This stuff is WONDERFUL...

I bake this bread in small cast iron skillets. It's wonderful... If you don't have a big table top mixer like my KitchenAid then do the recipe up in a huge bowl, at first mixing the ingredients with a large spatula, then working the dough with your fist as in the pizza recipe. Enjoy !!

Calamata Olive-Walnut Bread

Mis en place:

3 Tbs. Fresh Cake Yeast (or 2 pkgs. dry yeast)
1 1/2 Cups Warm Tap Water
1 Tbs. White Sugar

3 Cups Bread Flour
1/2 Cup E.V. Olive Oil
3/4 Cup Dark Brown Sugar
2 Cups Stone Burr Whole Wheat Flour
2 Large Eggs
1 Cup Rolled Oats
1/2 Cup Wheat Bran

1 1/2 Cups Walnut Pieces
1/2 Cup Raw Sunflower Seeds
2 Cups Pitted Calamata Olives

Temper Mixing bowl with warm water, then drain. Add warm water, white sugar and yeast, stir slightly to combine. Let stand about 5 minutes until yeast starts to foam slightly.

Insert mixing bowl into mixer. Using dough hook add bread flour and mix at sped 2 for 1 minute, add olive oil, brown sugar, whole wheat flour and eggs and mix for 1 minute. Then add rolled oats and wheat bran and mix for two more minutes. Add additional bread flour until dough begins to pull away from side of mixing bowl and mix for two more minutes (mix a total of 6 minutes). Then add walnuts, sunflower seeds and calamata olives. Mix one minute. Remove bowl from mixer and cover with heavy towel and place in a warm spot free from drafts for two hours. Punch down dough and let rise another hour. Freely oil bread or small cast iron pans with e.v. olive oil and divide dough into lumps for each pan. OR ask for 6 lb. paper bags at the grocery checkout stand, roll the bags over themselves so they’re half their height and grease with olive oil. Work each ball of dough on a lightly floured surface for 2 minutes, insert in pan and score dough with a very sharp knife. Let rise about 1 hour. Insert loaves in preheated 400 degree oven, spray tops of loaves and inside of oven with water (use a laundry squirter), this greatly increases rise of loaves. Bake for 10 minutes then reduce heat to 350 and bake additional 20 minutes. Remove loaves from pans and tap bottom (listening for a hollow sound) bake another 3-5 minutes longer. Remove and let cool on wire rack. Will keep about 1 week. Later when bread becomes dry, cube and add to baking dish with e.v. olive oil, garlic salt and cayenne pepper. Bake at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes, tossing every 5 minutes. Cool and use a salad croutons.
OK - I'm intrigued:

So you bake the bread in the oiled bags?

What size is a 6lb bag - standard grocery size?

Can I mist the inside of my gas oven w/o dousing the pilot or burners?

off to buy pitted calamatas.....
This would be where I preach that everyone should have an assortment of cast iron skillets. I am fortunate that I have (I guesstimate) about 20 in all - some plain cast iron, some enameled on the inside and outside (think Descoware or LeCreuset)... It would be best to use small cast iron pans, or bread pans. But you can use #6 grocery store bags. That is the little paper bag you would get penny candy or such in. Or if you were at an old time hardware store the kind they'd put nails in... Like this (see the Brach's Candy bag ??)

"penny candy"

Boy, does that take me waaaay back!
The storekeepr & his wife earned frontrow seats in Paradise for letting us kids stand there forever deciding what to spend our nickel on....

I can get those bags at the $1 store.
Would you believe I threw out about 5 cast iron skillets when I moved?
Thanks for the compliment. But to eliminate any confusion what you see in the pictures is actually

Pannetone... a Holiday Bread served at Easter and Christmas.

I used the photo as an example of how breads cooked in butter #6 paper bags rolled onto themselves would appear. Your best bet making THIS bread would be to bake it in very small cast iron skillets (for the good heat distribution) or normal bread pans.
More like cake/bread than bread. This stuff is WONDERFUL...

I bake this bread in small cast iron skillets. It's wonderful... If you don't have a big table top mixer like my KitchenAid then do the recipe up in a huge bowl, at first mixing the ingredients with a large spatula, then working the dough with your fist as in the pizza recipe. Enjoy !!

Calamata Olive-Walnut Bread

Mis en place:

3 Tbs. Fresh Cake Yeast (or 2 pkgs. dry yeast)
1 1/2 Cups Warm Tap Water
1 Tbs. White Sugar

3 Cups Bread Flour
1/2 Cup E.V. Olive Oil
3/4 Cup Dark Brown Sugar
2 Cups Stone Burr Whole Wheat Flour
2 Large Eggs
1 Cup Rolled Oats
1/2 Cup Wheat Bran

1 1/2 Cups Walnut Pieces
1/2 Cup Raw Sunflower Seeds
2 Cups Pitted Calamata Olives

Temper Mixing bowl with warm water, then drain. Add warm water, white sugar and yeast, stir slightly to combine. Let stand about 5 minutes until yeast starts to foam slightly.

Insert mixing bowl into mixer. Using dough hook add bread flour and mix at sped 2 for 1 minute, add olive oil, brown sugar, whole wheat flour and eggs and mix for 1 minute. Then add rolled oats and wheat bran and mix for two more minutes. Add additional bread flour until dough begins to pull away from side of mixing bowl and mix for two more minutes (mix a total of 6 minutes). Then add walnuts, sunflower seeds and calamata olives. Mix one minute. Remove bowl from mixer and cover with heavy towel and place in a warm spot free from drafts for two hours. Punch down dough and let rise another hour. Freely oil bread or small cast iron pans with e.v. olive oil and divide dough into lumps for each pan. OR ask for 6 lb. paper bags at the grocery checkout stand, roll the bags over themselves so theyre half their height and grease with olive oil. Work each ball of dough on a lightly floured surface for 2 minutes, insert in pan and score dough with a very sharp knife. Let rise about 1 hour. Insert loaves in preheated 400 degree oven, spray tops of loaves and inside of oven with water (use a laundry squirter), this greatly increases rise of loaves. Bake for 10 minutes then reduce heat to 350 and bake additional 20 minutes. Remove loaves from pans and tap bottom (listening for a hollow sound) bake another 3-5 minutes longer. Remove and let cool on wire rack. Will keep about 1 week. Later when bread becomes dry, cube and add to baking dish with e.v. olive oil, garlic salt and cayenne pepper. Bake at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes, tossing every 5 minutes. Cool and use a salad croutons.
I'm just starting out use fresh milled whole wheat flour. Can I just use an additional 1/2 cup of that flour instead of wheat bran?

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