Big quail things happening!

Alright folks, we've got celadons wiggling in the eggs. No pips yet, but I feel like they are going to be next to impossible to see with the spots on the eggs.

Also wanted ti share a pic of my quail aviary that I should have finished up this weekend. I did have a question -

I want to build a ramp and a
Second story. Area. I have seen people do this, and the quail use the ramp. Is that uncommon? Or do you think they may use it?

Lastly, it is 12x12. I have the rubber poultry netting on the bottom and 1/2 HC on top. The lattice and trim hood the bottom netting on. I know those last details don't matter, but how many quail do you think csn comfortably live in 144 sq feet? Assuming I have sufficient amenties in there. If it matters, the bedding will be mainly dirt, with quail safe plants planted, and plenty of cover spots. Then of course the possible second level, which i plan to make just a 5x5 square platform in the corner.
They may use the ramp if it is shallow enough. They are ground birds, so some may use it, some may not.

In an aviary setting, I would probably keep about 50 birds in there. You can probably put as many as 100 in, but it's going to start getting dirty and stinky with more birds.
They may use the ramp if it is shallow enough. They are ground birds, so some may use it, some may not.

In an aviary setting, I would probably keep about 50 birds in there. You can probably put as many as 100 in, but it's going to start getting dirty and stinky with more birds.
I've got 25 chicks still unsexed and 80 eggs hatching in the next 30 days. Should put me around, a little over, 50 for the covey, which is exactly what I was hoping for. I have grow our cages for the extra roosters.
I'll have 1/2" hardware cloth lining the bottom and stapled up the sides, then I'll put the dirt over it. I think that should keep anything from sneaking under.

I would recommend 1/4" hardware cloth, based purely on the recommendations of other quail keepers I've read on here.

I've read quite a few stories of rats and raccoons reaching through the 1/2" size to kill birds, and at least one person talked of rats that pulled bites of meat out, one clawful at a time.
I've read quite a few stories of rats and raccoons reaching through the 1/2" size to kill birds, and at least one person talked of rats that pulled bites of meat out, one clawful at a time
This would be very sad.
I wish I had some 1/4, but as it is, I have a ton of 1/2" on hand.
This would be very sad.
I wish I had some 1/4, but as it is, I have a ton of 1/2" on hand.
Perhaps doing two layers, offset, so even if a determined creature reached through the first, they can't reach through both layers? (Like window pants that have a gap of air between them)

It fortunately doesn't seem like a super common happening, and I'm betting area has a lot to do with it. I know i live in an area with lots of both so it's definitely a concern on our farm.
Perhaps doing two layers, offset, so even if a determined creature reached through the first, they can't reach through both layers? (Like window pants that have a gap of air between them)

It fortunately doesn't seem like a super common happening, and I'm betting area has a lot to do with it. I know i live in an area with lots of both so it's definitely a concern on our farm.
Yes, when building things here, I don't really consider extremes a lot, because surprisingly we don't have a lot of trouble, in spite of having chickens for so long, in the middle of no where. It has been something I've always taken pretty seriously, and never given a predator a chance.

We don't have foxes here, because there is a high population of cougar, who are usually most interested in our goats and keep all the mediocre predators away. We had a dairy cow a few years back, whose Baby was killed by a cougar and her cub in broad daylight, and as badly as we want to have them, it is too much of a risk. cougars are not protected here, you are permitted to hunt them, or kill them spontaneously if they are threatening your livestock. More of a nuisance - but it is too hard to continuously monitor them. The bucks will charge and scare the cougars enough, but the heifers and does will just run - and I don't want a bull here. But in general, they won't risk a small meal like a chicken or a quail and aren't in the business of breaking into structures. They will stalk though, which when caught on camera, is super creepy.
Mine have been using the ramp since they were 3 weeks old. I'm not sure if it's common, but mine have no trouble doing it. They should be ok with using it, and what an amazing aviary! I wish I could supply something like that for my birds!
Keep us updated on the babies!
Yes, when building things here, I don't really consider extremes a lot, because surprisingly we don't have a lot of trouble, in spite of having chickens for so long, in the middle of no where. It has been something I've always taken pretty seriously, and never given a predator a chance.

We don't have foxes here, because there is a high population of cougar, who are usually most interested in our goats and keep all the mediocre predators away. We had a dairy cow a few years back, whose Baby was killed by a cougar and her cub in broad daylight, and as badly as we want to have them, it is too much of a risk. cougars are not protected here, you are permitted to hunt them, or kill them spontaneously if they are threatening your livestock. More of a nuisance - but it is too hard to continuously monitor them. The bucks will charge and scare the cougars enough, but the heifers and does will just run - and I don't want a bull here. But in general, they won't risk a small meal like a chicken or a quail and aren't in the business of breaking into structures. They will stalk though, which when caught on camera, is super creepy.
Big cats are good eatin.. if you ever get a chance to try it.. they really are top shelf meat !! I had some in the freezer last summer and hated to thaw and smoke it because I knew that was the last of it.. I need to get with my buddy and go get some more..
Big cats are good eatin.. if you ever get a chance to try it.. they really are top shelf meat !! I had some in the freezer last summer and hated to thaw and smoke it because I knew that was the last of it.. I need to get with my buddy and go get some more..
I haven't had a chance to try them - but that would be contrary to what you think. When fish and game eradicates them, they will usually donate the meat to an organization who needs it. Curious to try them now.

In 2016 I stumbled upon a black bear while hunting mule deer and took it. A BB tag is only $20 here and it is best practice to buy one while hunting for anything else so in the event they put you into a situation, you can take them without question.

Anyway, I felt like I choked down every bite of that bear. It was terribly greasy and tough. It was an older boar, which didn't help - but I wouldn't do that again unless I was starving.

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