Big Right Boobie


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 14, 2012
We apodted 3 grown chickens from a friend that had to move. So I have been an adoptive mom for 4 months now, so raising chickens is still new to me. I noticed one of my girls had a swollen right breast about 3 days ago, I was thinking well she is about 3yrs old, maybe cancer? Then I goggled swollen right breast on hens, and this website came up. The answer provided made sense about the stomach being full and should disappear by next day, mine has not? Any suggestions on what to do?
Sounds like possible impacted crop or sour crop. The crop is located at the bottom of the neck by the breast. Is it hard or soft? Does her breath smell purtrid?
It is soft, I can feel the food under her skin. There is no way she is letting me near her beak to smell her breath. What do I do from here?
If it is a crop issue, try a little olive oil...use a dropper and try and get her to swallow some and also add more grit to their diet.
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I would give her some apple cidar vinegar as it is a good antiseptic. 1 tablespoon per quart for two or three days.
Thank you for all the advice. Could this pose a health risk if it does not clear up? I will try and read up on the disgestion system.

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