Biggest Coturnix Quail Contest


9 Years
Jul 15, 2010
I am having a little contest for the fattest quail you can find. Post a picture of it and how much he/she weighs. This is for coturnix only. The winner will get 2-3 dozen eggs from me. I will send as many as they lay in two days. Winner pays a $10.00 shipping fee, and you will receive eggs from English Whites, Tibetian, Manchurian, Jumbo Brown, and Tuxedo. Good luck, I can't wait to see your birds.
Apparently no one wants to hatch coturnix in December...I sure know I don't
I don't have a scale anyway, and mine aren't all that big. People around here pay the same price for a 14 ounce bird as they do for an 8 ouncer, but the 8 ouncers eat less
I have one that will go broody every week. She will set on the egg for about half of the day, and then she gets thirsty and forgets about it.
I had one trying to sit on an egg yesterday. Only problem was, she was missing the egg. It was just in FRONT of her. She puffed up at me, then promptly forgot the whole thing right after I disturbed her, LOL. She was sitting there today again, but sans egg. She's active and not ill. I just moved them to a different pen which has more cover in it while cleaning the other one and hadn't put them back yet.

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