Biggest Rooster Contest!!!! END DATE 8-5-20

:lau ive never seen a pet quail before could you post wont be in the competition
When I was in College Students held some super fun events. Us gals held a Mr WPC Contest at a Swimming Pool once, and our panel of Judges rated the dudes 1-10, the crowd cheering for hilarious cannonballs, silly walks and awkward dives. We gave a Crown to the scrawniest guy, Paul, who strutted like a bony Rooster, and coincidentally had a nose to match his colorful character. He became a Campus celebrity, and everyone had a lotta fun. I was Homecoming Queen once, and I'm pretty sure being a sex-object wasn't the objective then, either!
Concho was not cooperating for me to take a quick photo, so it's not the best picture 20200802_163620.jpg

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