BIN: 12+ Blue,Black,Splash,White, Partridge & buff silkie eggs ship 2/26/2017wk located in Georgia


I forgot to add a picture! Not the best picture because I had my one year old on my hip. Lol. A few weeks old and so fluffy!! Thanks Nancy!!
Got my eggs today! A day early- WOOHOO!

Thank you, Nancy! They were wrapped and cushioned beautifully- totally encased in bubble wrap with box inside of box.
Now onto incubation and............. babies!

I'll keep you posted on the hatch.

Edited 11/3/2014
Hi Nancy ------ YAY!!
FIVE darling little fluff butts arrived in the wee hours of Halloween Night and over the next day. Four have vaulted skulls- one without. Adorable, beautiful babies - thank you Nancy! My whole family are in love

I am not sure what colors they are- perhaps you can tell me by the photos (I think I have one blue, one white, and the other three are sort of Taupe/silver?). Thanks again for you attention to care for all you do.

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I am trying to hatch another round of buff eggs. I would love to purchase some once your girls start laying again. Thanks!

I would also consider purchasing chicks if that works better for you.
Bargain are your silkies divided into color pens? Like a blue/black/splash or something. If so I would be interested in some eggs. Been trying to get some blues for forever!
Yes we have separated by pens, we have black pen, bbs pen, white, etc...... :)

Presently NO PEN that yields BLUE ONLY pen. but if you could accept other colors, I can certainly help you. Thanks for your interest and have a blessed day!

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