Birchen Marans Thread

I recently won a split batch of half wheatens, half birchens in a raffle, and only one of the birchens hatched (despite some amazing packing!). The breeder said she can usually ID her boys very early on based on comb, but with nothing to compare this one too, I'm useless. Does anyone have photos of their chicks around 3-4 weeks so I can see some similarly aged babies?


this one is a cockerel .
you can compare . it is not always easy to get alright .

chooks man
chooks... all 4 have the pronounced feathering... but i may only have one pullet.... we shall see... all greenfire from their BBS line

they seem to me they are working with a early feathering strain ..
greenfire do have some nice marans .

ratio cockerel to pullet is higher in the summer time .
more pullets will come out from the Autumn hatch .

chooks man
Chooks... JacksonPierce... Here is the pic of the one i hope is a pullet... for comparison with the young cockeral above... same batch... same age


  • Blue Birchen Marans 4b.JPG
    Blue Birchen Marans 4b.JPG
    382.5 KB · Views: 8
  • Blue Birchen Marans 4e.JPG
    Blue Birchen Marans 4e.JPG
    379.9 KB · Views: 95

@ geodric
yes she is a pullet and good one too .
love the eyes color on your little chicks .
dark eyes problem you are not going to have in the future .very strong point .

I can tell they come from a good strain .

chooks man

2 bantambird.
the cockerel hackle is a pure silver . love that
the shoulder still a little yellow . like mine .

by the way .the birchen pullet on the back has a stunning silver hackle and nice long back /tail .
can you please post some photos of her .

you are not far away to come out with a pure birchen cockerel ( pure silver )
when the pullets start to show a pure silver it is a good sign ,soon after the cockerel will follow .

chooks man
here is that silver hackle one today. And those eggs are from the pullets in the same group.
That's promising-- here's my birchen at about 3 weeks. The wheaten marans pullets she (hopefully!) hatched with have similarly sized combs, though the real difference is that this one is quite small in comparison to the sole HUGE wheaten cockerel. Fingers crossed!

IMG_0109.JPG IMG_7370.JPG IMG_8288.JPG
View attachment 1170975 View attachment 1170977 View attachment 1170978 View attachment 1170976 here is that silver hackle one today. And those eggs are from the pullets in the same group.

I like him a lot .
he look like my cockerel Sweden . just mine is more clear around the shoulder area .

now that you managed to get a pure silver hackle ,you need to turn your attention the clear the yellow from the shoulders and saddle .

a pullet with clear silver ackle will be helpful .

chooks man

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