bird flu


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 8, 2014
So I have been reading about all the outbreaks of Bird Flu and was wondering how it is spread and if humans can catch it from their flock? My chickens are kept in a stall in my barn and do not free range outside. Also the nearest chickens to me are 1/2 mile away. The closest large operation to us is at least 3 miles away as a crow flys. Also does anyone know what the symptoms are in chickens? Really in the dark here but dont want to expose my grand daughter to something unknowingly. :) Thanks!
Not to worry about people being infected. So far it has been in several commercial flocks-chickens and turkeys, (sources of most of our poultry infections because the large numbers of birds create the hazzard) and so far, just in several parts of the country. Carried by migrating waterfowl and maybe wild birds, but migrating water fowl have been identied sources (and of wild birds, the corvids (crows, ravens--also magpies) have been susceptable and if dead ones are found, should be reported to local health authorities. Don't handle them. Very unlikely that your flock is at risk. Symptoms?--It is a "new" virus for chickens, from the orient--and not even mentioned in my CHICKEN HEALTH HANDBOOK. There will be a vaccine in time, not yet! But no worry about people, and only a rare concern for your chickens, unless you have a Commercial Poultry flock nearby (3 miles IS close), but then, just watch for any news! It is reported in several countries this Spring, and Poultry Shows close to areas of infection have cancelled, if near source of infections and movement of poultry may be restricted. Infected birds are destroyed--that is the main control. You can go on line to search for more information. It is the H...something virus, not the common bird flu, which is also a bad one for poultry in some areas and does have several vaccines. I will not worry about my birds, but just try to keep informed.
So I have been reading about all the outbreaks of Bird Flu and was wondering how it is spread and if humans can catch it from their flock? My chickens are kept in a stall in my barn and do not free range outside. Also the nearest chickens to me are 1/2 mile away. The closest large operation to us is at least 3 miles away as a crow flys. Also does anyone know what the symptoms are in chickens? Really in the dark here but dont want to expose my grand daughter to something unknowingly. :) Thanks!

Please see my first post.
it details the symptoms in laying hens, broilers, turkeys, ducks and geese.

Also all the links...
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Ok. I have looked thru sites and am not having any luck on hatching eggs specifically. If I get hatching eggs that could have been infected and incubate and hatch them could the chicks hatched, if they had it and hatched, still carry it after hatch and transmit it to other birds?? Just curious if this is a possibility? I know they say any eggs eaten should be cooked completely and to 165 degrees. Of course our little guys don't get that hot but could they potentially hatch and pass it?? Thanks to anyone who can give me info on this. I think with the outbreak and severity of this it would behove all of us to go that route as opposed to actually selling birds, if it's not a hazardous threat.

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