bird netting over run

We have the dog kennel panels for the chicken run. Against the building so pen is 10 ft. by 20 ft. long.
We purchased clothes line and stretched it tight down the middle for support for the netting.
I agree that it is best to get the heavy knotted type of netting as it will last so much longer... I bought mine off e-bay from a wholesale co.
I do not think it is safe at night against coons and possums but it definately is good for hawks and owls.....
I used gill netting, over a portable carport, the kind with a metal frame, and white canvas, (the canvas was rotten, just savaged the frame) with a post down the middle for support, to keep the eagles out. The gill net is nylon, light weight and works great in the snow. I will try to post a picture tomorrow.
The netting won't keep the racoons out. They can chew thru chicken wire. I'm using the netting for hawks.
It doesn't seem fair, a raccoon can eat through chicken wire and I can't eat whole wheat toast without tearing up the roof of my mouth.

I seen peoples posts where the raccoons where reaching in thru the chicken wire to grab the chickens but I did not think they could eat thru it.

I was hoping if the netting was strong enough I could it use to cover one of the horse stall in the barn to create a short term coop.
Your in Michigan so winters are going to be tough. i am in MA. and i can tell you it does not hold up under winter. It repeatedly falls down, rips so you need to take that into consideration with the northern winter climate. ErinM
My netting over our runs last a couple of years. I live in northern Indiana and we get a lot of wind and snow. The sun is what does it here. I use supports and twist tyes to put mine down. I use fencing or snow fence on the sides.
I'm distressed to hear racoons can eat through poultry mesh, as that's the predator round here I'm most worried about. I just covered the top of the run with 1" hex mesh and now wonder if it was for naught.

I used zip ties as well on the seams and wove wire through or twisted the half hexes at the edges around the hexes on the mated side.

What would keep a racoon out if not poultry mesh?
Most folks make the coop as preditor proof as possible - locking the chicks in at night.

Netting or chicken wire over the run for daytime turn out time when the preditors would be hawks, eagles and neighbor dogs.

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