Birdbrained Idea OR Worthwhile Endeavor?

I'm sure every one who responded would say "your welcome" to any bit of their advice, guidance, and encouragement. This is a great forum for reassurance, interesting tidbits, founts of information, etc. And like HEchicken said, when you see all the problems and heartache, remember that that is the abnormal....people don't write about the everyday, all okay moments.
Enjoy each step of chicken raising, as each step has it's highlights! Jump on in!!
As everyone has said, Go For It! Do your research here and if you encounter a problem ask questions.BYC'ers are friendly and love to give advice! I was just over to my neighbors talking about building another coop and expanding my flock. Lots of enjoyment!
I didn't know much about raising chickens at all. But my ignorance prevented me from being intimidated!! Now, after reading through this website, I might be intimidated but don't be. In my case I didn't even have a clue about all of the things that could get chickens....the pain far, far outstrips the joy these feathered honies bring to me. Who thought you could talk about these critters interminably with others who raise them?????

So, get your flock started and, before you know it, you'll be getting more and more of them! Oh, and yes, the eggs are great, too!
I totally agree, GO for IT!! You have shown good chicken smarts by doing research. The expense, ahhhhh, just eat out less. None of us "Chicken raisers" are going to get rich (financially) raising chickens, but the richness that these birds do bring is immeasurable. We got our first egg on Halloween '09 and I was soooooo egg-cited I grabbed the warm egg and rushed in to tell my hubby. Well being a very much love man, his reply was "Oh goody, my first $500 egg." He was joking, and was just as excited as I was. We keep doing research, both sides of the bed looks like a library of chicken. Sure there will be heartache, but anything worthwhile will have heartache, but you will have more joy and pleasure than heartache. WAY MORE!!!!! After a day at work, I grab a 5 gal bucket, can of scratch and head for the "chicken castle" where I will sit with my babies for sometimes upwards of an hour. When I exit, the whole world looks soooooo much better.
J & R Dunn-keys & Company :

... We got our first egg on Halloween '09 and I was soooooo egg-cited I grabbed the warm egg and rushed in to tell my hubby. Well being a very much love man, his reply was "Oh goody, my first $500 egg."...

Too funny!​
Well to be honest I can't even pronounce some of the deises that they get ,so I just let them do what they do. If they get sick I will see what I can do. Basically what i'm saying is don't worry untill it comes.

I am so happy we started this new path. We've learned so much and it's woken up those sleeping brain cells. Trust yourself. You MUST have the desire... or you wouldn't be on this site. The old timers
know a lot and can help guide us all out of a troubling spot. This is truly fun... ENJOY and LEARN... and then sit down to a nice breakfast of eggs and bacon.
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I took the leap about 8 months ago, and am having a blast! This site has been so much help. I say go for it! Get a few books to help, and I think a lot of it is learning as you go. Even thought I am still learning, I am now considered the chicken expert at the shelter where I work, because I am tho only one with chickens so no one else knows anything about them. You will be suprised at how much knowledge you probably already have and will gain when you actually get some chickens!
DO IT! I've dealt with predators,sickness,more costs than I anticipated....and still I love my chickies! Yes we are totally's entertainment for peeps that spend all thier time with thier chickens!

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