Birds dying in the run


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
I have a pen with a run in it for my bantams, I also use it for my older babies. The problem is that one by one they start dying off. They will be fine then in a matter of a day or so I find them dead. A friend said that there might be some type of disease in the run. If that's the case what can I do ? I raked out all the straw to burn it has a dirt floor. I have also removed the nest boxes, feeders and waterers. What can I use to kill whatever is making my birds sick to the point they die ?? Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks Leslie
Have you dusted them for mites? Sometimes you can't see them and they can suck them dry in a few days if you have ideal conditions for a population explosion of mites. Feel their breastbone to see if they feel skinny, and look inside their mouth to see if it looks pink and helathy or pale and whitish looking. That could indicate blood loss. Sorry about your lossess. Hope you figure out what's going on.
Hi, They are eating layer crumbles and fresh veggies when we have them. No real symptoms just aren't as active for a day or so then die. I'm puzzled, I need to use the pen but I want to know what to use in it and to clean the nest boxes and other items in pen.
Thanks Leslie
Almost impossible to sanitize dirt >shovel off the top layer of dirt and dispose of that (and dont use anymore straw or such on top of the dirt). Rake in some ag lime then cover with a seven inch layer of coarse sand if you cannot pave it . Rake off the poo daily if possible out of the run and regularly rpelace the sand to keep to a ten inch depth.
I don't use anything near their pens. I have pens on both sides of the one with the problems and they are all doing ok........I just don't understand. I may try the lime this weekend, I thought about spraying the pen itself with a bleach solution and then wash the roosts and nest boxes with it also......and then let it stay empty for a while to dry naturally....

I just don't know......
I thought about spraying the pen itself with a bleach solution and then wash the roosts and nest boxes with it also......and then let it stay empty for a while to dry naturally....

my comment earlier was meant for the run.... for the coop/henhousing yes clean everything out and wash down... once clean then you can "treat" with bleach or other disinfectant such as oxine or virkonS ... if you use bleach then be sure the birds are a safe distance away (fumes) and let air out/dry thoroughly before letting them back in.​

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