
Parakeet seed has a lot of milet if I remember correctly (have had them in years). I'm sure your hens would love it. I often give ours a treat of wild bird seed - again, a lot of millet.
nothin's wrong with millet, they like it

fed as a sole ration would be bad, but they will eat it and it won't hurt them. just give it to them with their feed or sprinkle it on the ground when they free-range. some of the seeds will potentially grow into plants, so you might want to be careful as of where you spread them. as for me, i don't have a lawn, i gotta natural yard
grass, fireweed, wild parsley, dandelions, everything. we don't mow it or cut anything, we just make a trail to the chicken coop
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Millet is fine for them to eat. I didn't mean to imply it was a problem. It's about 15% protein and they do like it. Although as KattyKillFish mentioned, it should not be their only feed.

These photos may help.
Millet seed:


Millet growing in the field:


edit: fix images
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Thank you, just wanted to make sure... i am trying to give them a mix of feeds... but there staple is the 8-16 week feed that i got from the stock feed shop...

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