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Elanor: We got our school schedules!

Name: Henley, Elanor Sunrise
Level: Young Hen A.
Locker: E-2-U-379
P1. Breeds II--focus on Heritage room D-2-C8
P2. Perching and Balancing 3 Room C-1-L1 , Mr. Roostenno
P3. Advanced Placement The Pecking Order room E-2-C3, Mr. Crowey
P4. Flight techniques 1, room D-1-L4
Lunch--No free-ranging--you must remain on the playground, on the sunporch (A-1-U30), in the lunchroom (A-1-U32)Or on the lunchroom's balcony (A-2-U32)
P5. Songbirdese 3 room E-2-C7
P6. Free-ranging and foraging 3 room D-1-L2, Mrs. Liner
P7. Advanced Placement The Art of Egglaying for young hens (Frequent Layer) Room F-1-N5, Mrs. Eggson
Colonel: Hey, how on earth do you find the rooms!? There's like four digits!
Elanor: Simple! See, the first digit is a letter, and that is the building wing letter. A-F, with A being the offices and gym and roostitorium, B being chick academy, and C-F being for full grown chickens. The second is a number, and that is the floor you are on. One or two. Simple, right? Then there is another letter, and that is the room type. C is classroom, L means it is a specialized lab--like for perching and balancing, or foraging--N means nesting room for Egglaying classes, and U is utility, like lunchroom and offices. Then there is the last number, which is just room number. You'll be fine.
Colonel: Anyway, I have Duckese, AP The Science of crowing, Flight techniques 2, Free-ranging, foraging, and flock protection for roosters, AP perching and balancing, Dustbathing 2, and Rooster Flock dynamics and pecking order.
Marianne: Oh, I am in Dustbathing with you. 6th period Mrs. Maycluck, right?
Colonel: That's right.
Marianne: I have AP egglaying with Ellie, and I am also taking songbirdese, but I have that first period.
Sophia: I start the morning out with Songbirdese as well.
Colonel: Where should I sit at lunch?
Sophia: We'll try to find a good table by the window on the lunchroom balcony.
Colonel: Are you sure I'll find my way around?
Elanor: We all did. You will be fine!
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Elanor: We got our school schedules!

Name: Henley, Elanor Sunrise
Level: Young Hen A.
Locker: E-2-L-379
P1. Breeds II--focus on Heritage room D-2-C8
P2. Perching and Balancing 3 Room C-1-L1 , Mr. Roostenno
P3. Advanced Placement The Pecking Order room E-2-C3, Mr. Crowey
P4. Flight techniques 1, room D-1-L4
Lunch--No free-ranging--you must remain on the playground, on the sunporch (A-1-U30), in the lunchroom (A-1-U32)Or on the lunchroom's balcony (A-2-U32)
P5. Songbirdese 3 room E-2-C7
P6. Free-ranging and foraging 3 room D-1-L2, Mrs. Liner
P7. Advanced Placement The Art of Egglaying for young hens (Frequent Layer) Room F-1-N5, Mrs. Eggson
Colonel: Hey, how on earth do you find the rooms!? There's like four digits!
Elanor: Simple! See, the first digit is a letter, and that is the building wing letter. A-F, with A being the offices and gym and roostitorium, B being chick academy, and C-F being for full grown chickens. The second is a number, and that is the floor you are on. One or two. Simple, right? Then there is another letter, and that is the room type. C is classroom, L means it is a specialized lab--like for perching and balancing, or foraging--N means nesting room for Egglaying classes, and U is utility, like lunchroom and offices. Then there is the last number, which is just room number. You'll be fine.
Colonel: Anyway, I have Duckese, AP The Science of crowing, Flight techniques 2, Free-ranging, foraging, and flock protection for roosters, AP perching and balancing, Dustbathing 2, and Rooster Flock dynamics and pecking order.
Marianne: Oh, I am in Dustbathing with you. 6th period Mrs. Maycluck, right?
Colonel: That's right.
Marianne: I have AP egglaying with Ellie, and I am also taking songbirdese, but I have that first period.
Sophia: I start the morning out with Songbirdese as well.
Colonel: Where should I sit at lunch?
Sophia: We'll try to find a good table by the window on the lunchroom balcony.
Colonel: Are you sure I'll find my way around?
Elanor: We all did. You will be fine!

Daisy: We all finished last year.

Violet: My degree is in foraging with a minor in flight techniques.

Bird On Hand: She did extremely well. She was an honors graduate with a special award for Henmanship.

Columbine: Bird On Hand is very modest - she'll never tell you she has an advanced degree in flock management with a special award for her motivational talents.

Daisy: Bird On Hand studied Human Management as an undergraduate.

Ivy: We Dominiques all majored in Foraging. Everyone but Violet minored human husbandry and management. Rose got the award for outstanding student in human management.

Rose: I loved human husbandry and management. I should have majored in it. Bird On Hand was an inspiration to me.

Daisy: You should see Rose and Bird On Hand manage our humans.

Ivy: Those two are awesome. We call and call and call and maybe the people come out and scatter treats where the people want to scatter treats.

Columbine: Bird On Hand gets the people to pick her up and carry her to extra treats that are just for her. And Rose gets them to bring the treats right to her. And she never tips!

Violet: It's just because you're all too lazy to fly over to the humans and pester them until they hand over the goodies!
Elanor: I am thinking of majoring in Flock dynamics.
Marianne: We don't have human studies available.
Colonel: Elanor and I are doing flight team this year!

Columbine: Maybe you could transfer to a different school?
Ivy: You should watch Rose in action. The people will not only bring her extra treats, but get on their knees in front of her and beg her to accept them.
Daisy: She and Bird On Hand are amazing to watch!
Rose: You should ask Violet for flight tips. She can cross more than 20' at chest high on the bigger human. It's always good for a treat or a pat.
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