Black Acres: The chickens that saved me

If you’ve read my whole thread, then you know I got two “true” Seramas yesterday. My plan for them is to breed to SOP and possibly get into some shows. As I’ve mentioned before, my two youngest human children are a Junior and Senior this year and will be leaving the nest sooner than I’d like to admit and I need a hobby. I adore my flock but I also love a challenge; enter my crazy idea of learning a breed and it’s genetics from scratch! Pin, not intended. I can’t wait to see how these beauties grow out. The female is 5 months old and the male is 6 months old. They loved snuggling under my heated blanket today. Against the husbands protest, I have a feeling they’ll be spending a few hours a day in the house with me. Anyone know where to get chicken diapers for tiny chickens? Seriously. I need them!

Etsy is a great source for saddles and such. Plus it is most all small business and hand made in the ol USA.

I enjoyed the window into your chicken journey. I'm glad your ol sourface is stepping up and enjoying helping out and creating. I was rooting for him, he did a nice job adding to your resourcefulness. Great job!

Your Dark Brahma is sweet and still a baby ♡

Very good choice BTW 😉
I learnt very early on (as a teen when I got my first horse), if I wanted something done ( stalls, fencing etc) I had to do it myself!

I was lucky Dad only had daughters so we had to learn how to fix and make things. As a result my Sis and I can hang doors, put in windows, do roofing, plumbing, carpentry 😁.

And of course now with You-tube - well holy cow I can do all sorts of stuff hahahaha! I have even collected my own tools over the years, my absolute favorite is The Beast (DeWalt reciprocal saw), it goes through everything 😁😁
Just went to lock up the outdoor coop and found this! It was in the banty coop. I have 3 laying, but this egg isn’t the same color as the ones they always give me. It’s a bit darker. I think my Silkies are all too young to lay, so I’m stumped. No idea who laid the fairy egg.
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Photo of the fairy egg with some of my regular banty eggs for comparison

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My silkie pullet laid her egg at 5 months!!!!
Y’all. I’m so busted! The pair of breeder Seramas that were due to ship January 10; you know, the ones I haven’t told my husband about?! Well, THEY’RE HERE! My mail carrier showed up with them today. :barnie I had no idea he’d shipped them early. I was NOT prepared. I planned to get through Christmas and then tell my husband and acquire all the needed supplies to properly keep delicate Seramas in the Winter months. I had NOTHING. No cage, no extra feeder or waterer. No heat source. I went into full panic mode. I quickly set up the play pen, placed them in it and hopped in my car.
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Off to town I went, in search of all the items I needed. Quick stop for a cage, then across town to TSC for a heat plate, feed dish and water dish. Secured all I need for now and headed home.

Got the cage set up and filled the bottom with bedding. The set up the heat plate and put out food and water. Once the heat plate was warm, I transferred my beautiful Seramas to their new home. Whew. What. A. Day.

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Hahaha reminds me of the time I bought a new horse and didn't tell Dad 😆 after all there were already 3 - what's another one?

Chickens r far more easy then horses, tell your hubby, he is lucky it's only chickens and not horses!!!!!

Fyi it took about 3 weeks till he noticed the new gal and n the paddock....

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