Black Autralorp high maintainence flock


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 16, 2011
I have a flock of 22 Black Autralorp birds. They are about 9 months old. One is a known roo. I have had a large number of them go broody. so far 7 of them at once. I don't have that many broody breaker isolation cages. There goes my egg production. I also discovered a late bloomer who turned out to be a roo. Has anyone else had these problems with this breed? They have been very high maintainence. I had read that they were fantastic egg layers....if you can get them to lay. Has anyone else had ANY experience with this breed like I am having. I am just about ready to swear off this breed for future flocks. Any input is helpful.
What is your criteria for saying they're broody?
Criteria: they have been found in the nest boxes after dark. When removed, their feathers were puffed up and they were very vocal. Typical broody behavior.

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