Black Copper Maran, Barred Rock, Olive Egger, Broad Breasted White Turkey


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 25, 2014
Well, it's time for that question again. Boy or girl?

First up, we have a 14 week Black Copper Maran. Boy or girl? I was leaning girl, now I'm not so sure.

Next, we have a Barred Rock, approximately 9 weeks old. Boy or girl? Thought it was a boy, now I'm doubting myself after reading some other posts regarding the same breed at a similar age.

Olive Egger, I didn't think to ask what the combo was at the time I bought it. Approximately 12 weeks. Boy or girl? Pretty sure it's a boy.

And lastly, a Broad Breasted White Turkey. Approximately 11 weeks old. Pretty sure it's a girl; what say you BYC?

Looking forward to your responses!

The barred rock is so cute!
Hope this site helps!
Good luck!
High five!
Thanks for the replies!

So, if my Maran is a roo, and he's bred over an Ameraucana pullet, the resulting chick would be an Olive Egger, not an Easter Egger, correct?
I was planning on getting some Dorkings to breed as meat birds; maybe I'll just do Barred Rocks instead. Not interested in Cornish X. Olive Egger roo will likely meet the butcher block in a few weeks.

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