Black copper maran temperament , welsummer temperament

I can't fault the hens of either breeds. One of my favourite hens of all times was one of my Welsummers and my Marans have all been curious and easy to handle. Both are good layers but the Marans are probably the best, laying longer per season. With the roosters the Marans have been my absolute favourite of all my large fowl breeds, so far no issues towards hens, people or other roosters, the Welsummers were good roosters for the most part, I did have one a bit standoffish with people but the others I had no issues
Hens: Love both! Both great layers, large size ladies. Both outgoing, funny personalities. Welsummer's can fly/jump higher than alot of other breeds. My oldest hen now is a Welsummer, 7. She's also top hen, can be slightly rude to the others but nothing like a RIR. She seemingly stopped laying a few years ago but then started back up. Layed just day before yesterday. You really can't go wrong with either breed.

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