Black Copper Marans discussion thread

HAH! Jan 1. I said that before I hatched out a test hatch for October. Now there are 2 doz more in the bator.
Ain't no stopping it. And with the Marans, every time I get another chocolate egg, it goes in next to all the others.
It's gonna be a mess in my kitchen in 3 weeks!!!
can't get it to work....
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Happy THanksgiving!

When collecting the days eggs tonight, arrived home late from MIL, there was my FIRST marans egg in the nestbox!

AND a FBCM was the father of an OE which hatched last night out of a blue egg: fuzzy legs a giveway as to who daddy is!

Oh, the pretty eggs in the eggbasket.
Hen house burnt down tonight. Didn't lose them all, just the dumb ones who didn't get out - they weren't closed in, and had the entire yard to escape to. Found many survivors, but not sure how many. I will know better in the morning, it's almost midnight here. No one got hurt, and it's not near the house. But it's burnt to the ground, and it's around 32 F outside, so I'll have to scratch together a quick shelter for the remaining birds. Saw a few BC running around, but it's hard to know in the dark.

Fortunately, I have about 50 chicks growing out in the basement from any of the ones I've lost. I'm just wondering if it's time to scale back a bit, or even call it quits. Winter always makes me feel like the whole chicken thing is getting out of control. Then come spring it's all easy and sunshine and I love it. Now I find myself wondering what life would be like without chickens. In some ways, very sad, but I'm wondering what I could do with all the extra time, if I could just move on and get over it. Not sure now. It just happened a couple hours ago and hasn't settled in.
Don't know what else to say.... So sorry for you losses. The coop itself is a huge loss. This will give you a reason to build the coop of your dreams!!! TRY CL for rabbit hutches for the time being.... I would run an ad... ppl are pretty nice in the face of such tragedy.... I lost everything I owned including all my pets to a house fire in 1999. Even a little fire leaves a lot to be desired.
Well if it makes ya feel any better VC.... Charlie... my main rooster got attacked by a nieghbor dog and after nursing him for the last 7 days he has necrotic tissue setting in and I fear that it will be simplier just to humanely euthanize him. I will hold out another 24 hours. He is the one at the front of this thread. He made me a lot of nice males.

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