Black Copper Marans discussion thread

Daughter and full sister to cock and cockeral above......... I personally like a beefier look but am still developing my eye for type and have a long way to go :) Bought her at the show as well. Already have hatched 5 chicks from her and her Dad, they all look dark, not as much of a penguin look as desired for ideal colour at maturity. She has no middle toe feathers. I did not buy her mother but she had no copper and was a larger hen than her daughter. I saw her at the show as well. This ones egg is about a 5. She is 7 months old.

This is my original (only) breeding Hen, the Mom of the next 3 pullets I will be posting. She is a little smaller than her daughters. Very nicely feathered legs, no copper. She will be coming 2 this year. Lays a definite 6 egg. I've posted pics of her before. I do not have the original cock anymore, he was culled.

This is my original (only) breeding Hen, the Mom of the next 3 pullets I will be posting. She is a little smaller than her daughters. Very nicely feathered legs, no copper. She will be coming 2 this year. Lays a definite 6 egg. I've posted pics of her before. I do not have the original cock anymore, he was culled.

I remember her, I have her twin here. She will help to put beefy substance onto your offspring. One thing you will want to select for is a nice open tail which will balance the birds out more.
4 pics of this pullet. She is not laying yet so do not know egg colour. She has one tail feather that has 1/4 inch white on the tip. Don't love the combs on any of the pullets but I like the type, please advise if my eye is wrong.........


This pullet is molting slighty, started to lay then quit. Really nice, 6 speckled egg. Not enough feathers on her legs. Wierd colour in her pics, not sure why, all were taken outside today! No white feathers, no brownish looking feathers.

4 pics of this pullet. She is not laying yet so do not know egg colour. She has one tail feather that has 1/4 inch white on the tip. Don't love the combs on any of the pullets but I like the type, please advise if my eye is wrong.........

I like this bird, and like the hen you posted in the previous post, they will do well to give you some good type on your offspring. Just cull carefully for the combs
Last pullet. I really like this one and love her almost 7 egg. I HATE her comb. There is a twist in the front and the back is too long and makes the whole comb flop over when she is moving.........

PLEASE, if you like or dislike any of these birds tell me why so that I (and everyone else on here) can learn and develop my eye. Someone commented that my last roo (the Dad of all these pullets) brought nothing to the table but did not comment why........ I had my own reasons for culling him.

I am terrified about introducing these new roos as I have had no problems with yellow legs, white underfluff, sprigs, etc. but I needed a change to go forward. Hopefully it will be positive, otherwise, back to the drawing board...............

Here are my breeding choices that I currently have to get started with this season. Would love any advice, input, opinions, etc. Don, the two boys are the ones I purchased at the show a couple of months ago. I will post each bird separately to help with keeping things straight..........

This is the older cock, coming 3 this year. Mahogany colour, no white underfluff, no white feathers anywhere(or brown fluff even though pics look like it), a few small middle toe feathers.....

The cock bird s what you would want to breed to the pullets you already had. His big fluffy tail will help with opening up the tail on the female.
Last pullet. I really like this one and love her almost 7 egg. I HATE her comb. There is a twist in the front and the back is too long and makes the whole comb flop over when she is moving.........

PLEASE, if you like or dislike any of these birds tell me why so that I (and everyone else on here) can learn and develop my eye. Someone commented that my last roo (the Dad of all these pullets) brought nothing to the table but did not comment why........ I had my own reasons for culling him.

I am terrified about introducing these new roos as I have had no problems with yellow legs, white underfluff, sprigs, etc. but I needed a change to go forward. Hopefully it will be positive, otherwise, back to the drawing board...............

She is also tanky, again, work on culling for combs and be mindful about tail set and openness and it will make a huge difference in your following generation

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