Black Copper Marans discussion thread

I guess the whole point in "dual purpose" is that it's not excellent at either egg production OR meat purposes. But it's passable for both. And let's face it - I personally know of NO ONE who got into raising Marans strictly for meat purposes; we add yet one more parameter into this breed - egg color. So, they are actually TRIPLE purpose birds!
Thank you for understanding my concerns. I wasn't trying to insult or disparage any ones' Marans. Really. I like the ones I have and they are shaping up about like you described Marcy. I put the last spare cockerel in a pot a couple weeks ago. I will say their breasts were better than the EO I butchered. I find that I am gradually changing what I think I 'should' see for meat out of a bird and ftr I don't think six mos is too long for a meat bird. Its a season, which makes a lot of sense up here. I think I might just be discouraged with all the little challenges I have had so far this year. This was a rough year and it might be that at the end of the year like this I look around at what I haven't done instead of what I have and don't feel like anything is enough. Despite one of my favorite judges teasing me that Marans are just sex links with hairy legs, I really do like them. I hope I didn't offend anyone.

Snow--- haven't you been going to show off those wheaten crosses for a while? Or did I miss it??

ps- did you know that in the sop for bantams they are listed as "maran" without the 's?' Its not helping me when it comes to talking shop with the judges here.

Yes, I was supposed to show pictures but have been dealing with other things with a higher priority. I still have a trio of the 1/2 and 1/2. Will do this picture taking in a few days.
I guess the whole point in "dual purpose" is that it's not excellent at either egg production OR meat purposes. But it's passable for both.
I don't know if I can agree with this statement.
My Delawares are dual purpose birds and their egg production ROCKS!
The only breed I have that lays more than them are the leghorns.
I don't know if I can agree with this statement.
My Delawares are dual purpose birds and their egg production ROCKS!
The only breed I have that lays more than them are the leghorns.
Well, I've said it before and I'll say it again - my Marans are excellent layers, too. And I DO find them to be good table birds. But, they're not a Cornish, to be sure. And they're not Leghorns.

That's awesome on your Dellies - I've always liked that breed.
We are having incredible Fall weather here in Oregon so I spent some time this evening taking pic.s of some of this years pullets and enjoying the beautiful farm that I have had the privilege of living at for the last 26 years. When the Blue Heron Flew into the field the flock scattered to the coop except for the BCM who just stared in wonder (hard to see but he is in front of the middle tree)! Thought I had caught a new pullet laying her first egg, turns out she was just "making noises". As always, feel free to critique.

Question about a BCM who just started laying who's eggs are lighter and smaller than what is expected. Blood lines are good, and I'm looking at buying from a girl local. Is it normal for them start light then darken as they age? Thanks!
Question about a BCM who just started laying who's eggs are lighter and smaller than what is expected. Blood lines are good, and I'm looking at buying from a girl local. Is it normal for them start light then darken as they age? Thanks!
With my birds, typically the eggs start darker and lighten through the laying cycle. I have had a few that start lighter (not the norm in my flock) and by the 3rd - 5th egg are as dark as they are going to get. The pic. is an example of one of those pullets. It is normal for the egg to be small at first. Blood lines are no guarantee for dark eggs. I have full sisters who lay different shades of brown/red/speckles.

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