Black Copper Marans discussion thread

Has any one tried to let a hen set eggs any was it a success and how broody are the black copper marans?

I have 4 broodies right now
but i really think it varies from one flock to another...
Hello all! I'm so excited...I added a BCM female chick to my order! Hatch day is July 14!!!
I know you are excited, but don't expect much in the way of quality from hatchery stock. I've seen Meyer "BCM" that were all over the map: no feathers on shanks, white leg skin with feathers, no copper at all, or way too much. They were narrow birds that won't lay well. I hope yours are better, but don't get your hopes up.
Recently I got some Marans from someone. They are a year old and I believe came from a hatchery. The BCM has very little brown (only on one side of the neck) and looks almost like my black australorp. She barely has any feathers on her legs, which is fine with me since my chickens are all free range and they stay cleaner with clean legs. She can bit a bit broody, but only in the mornings. That said, she is a good layer. Her eggs are a medium brown and have dark spots all over them.

I also have a splash Marans that has feathered legs. Is a splash a BCM with two blue genes? I'm kind of confused on the color genetics. The splash lays darker brown eggs, but they are smaller than the black hen's eggs. The splash is a bit on the neurotic side and has some OCD with scratching on the hillside. If she were a human she'd need Prozac to keep her regulated.
I know you are excited, but don't expect much in the way of quality from hatchery stock. I've seen Meyer "BCM" that were all over the map: no feathers on shanks, white leg skin with feathers, no copper at all, or way too much. They were narrow birds that won't lay well. I hope yours are better, but don't get your hopes up.
Thanks for your concern - I'm aware of the quality of hatchery birds. I have no intention of breeding, or anything other than enjoying a small flock of hens in my backyard for a few eggs for personal consumption. If/when I want to upgrade my stock, breed, show, or get more serious than backyard enjoyment I will look for a small, ethical breeder. My excitement isn't necessarily over the breed, but over the fact that I'm finally making the plunge and getting chicks for the 1st time. I look forward to sharing this experience with my son.
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Has any one tried to let a hen set eggs any was it a success and how broody are the black copper marans?

Here is one of my Marans Hens. We have given her eggs from the past three year, but last year's hatch that is shown was the only successful hatch. We have about 20% of our Marans hens go broody every year.
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