Black Copper Marans discussion thread

I couldn't PM you fast enough. See above. That's what I get for using my memory and not looking something up. It is only allowed on the outer toe's though. One on each side.

Just to clarify please.... this only applies to Feathered shank and toe breeds CORRECT?

I would not use a roo with rudimentary toes either. UNLESS if he were SUPERIOR in EVERY WAY to any other bird I had to breed. Actually, I probably wouldn't let one stay that long. Never have. Some things are culls no matter. Roos are held to a much higher standard at my place.
Quote: Yeap! 100% sure LOL I am a good student!
raising our first bcm roo named godzilla. he will follow us anywhere . bcm are a greAt breed. smart chickens. name godzilla came from my daughter. lol guess we have a few his age he is twice their size.
raising our first bcm roo named godzilla. he will follow us anywhere . bcm are a greAt breed. smart chickens. name godzilla came from my daughter. lol guess we have a few his age he is twice their size.
I have 5 boys raised together, along with an old Welsummer cock. That old Wellie sort of keeps the peace, putting the younger boys in their place if they get too rowdy. Most of the 5 are very calm and easy to pick up, just one is a bit leery of coming close to me. He is one that jumped me a couple times when his hormones first hit. I picked him up each time and carried him around petting and talking to him. He hasn't done it since but I am keeping an eye on him. None of the other boys have even tried it.
Delta, true - and most breeders want to know the good AND the bad in their stock. If they don't want to the other way.
My name is Diane- not Delta...DeltaBluezTess is the name of my Border Collie. My handle is in honor of her...may she rest in peace.

The breeder offered to replace the defective toed chick and the one who failed to thrive. He has been a really cool person. His BCM are from Ray Valentine lines. As it was, I am only keeping a couple from the set that I got. The rest were sold to friends as pet layers. No copper or too much copper, but otherwise very nice.
I would TREAT. You don't want him passing it to your other birds, or losing him to a cold! My rooster had it so bad he totally lost his voice- couldn't even crow poor dear. I waited a few days then went ahead and treated the whole flock. It was almost two weeks before he could crow again. But boy he crowed with a vengeance the first few days he got his voice back!

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