Black Copper Marans discussion thread

Here are a couple of pictures of my black copper marans chick. I know he/she has too much feathering on the legs. Would be worth it to hold on to him/her to breed with ones that have sparse feathering?
Yes, I would say this bird has some Cochin in it's background. Yellow feet, the heavy feathering, and am I seeing vulture hocks? I would not use this bird for breeding. : (
Hmmmm...the breeder I got the chick from told me he/she was a black copper marans. Darn..I didn't want cochin, if that's what he/she is, I wanted Marans! Oh, well..LOL

What color legs are the black copper marans supposed to have?
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I have discovered that he/she isn't a Marans at all. He/she is a large fowl cochin. The person I got him/her from accidently got the chicks mixed up and instead of getting a BCM I got a Cochin. OOPS!

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