Black Copper Marans discussion thread

Wynette and Marquisella, thanks for the input. Other breeds are hatching well and I have triplicate thermometers/hygrometers and I have come to LOVE the monsterbator even though it's an enormous( 1200 egg) beast.
We will look into the higher nutrition aspect. I am very familiar with different dairy cattle breeds and one should ideally feed Jerseys much differently than the Holsteins for best results. We started fermenting their scratch grains and add very very little corn, and they think it's crack. Have not yet tried fermenting the layer pellets but that may be the next step. Or adding calf manna:)
The most puzzling aspect is that the darker the egg, the worse the hatch rate, and the darker eggs are from the healthiest- looking hens. ( Healthier looking only because the young roo prefers the hens his own age and they look it!)
As an experiment, I just sanded a batch that I added today. We shall see what three weeks brings. Blue and Greens added as controls in the hatch.
thanks again. I am determined to find the problem.

I live very close to you, so our altitude and humidity is similar. I also had similar problems early on myself. I used some of the advice from people here and have greatly improved most of my hatches. I run humidity around 35 to 40 for the first 18 days and bump it up to at least 70 until the first chick emerges, humidity levels spike once they start hatching. Sometimes it's so high that I see condensation on the windows of the incubator. The only problem I run into with such high humidity at the end of a hatch is that the chicks may not dry quickly while in the incubator.

This time of the year it can become difficult to keep the humidity down in the beginning as our relative humidity can be very high with the rains. I also keep my incubators in my basement because the temperature is much more consistant than in the rest of the house.

Hope this help some,,, good luck with your next batch !

p.s. Nice to have another Marans person closeby
Here are my new girls! I am not breeding or anything, just for egg purposes, but I though I would post and get everyone's feed back on how I did?

She wasn't thrilled with sitting on my arm, but she did well, both are about 16-18weeks?

The one has feathering on her legs, closet in this picture, and the other has clean legs

Her feathered leggies!

Thanks for any feedback
Wynette, I can help you with the Shank Feathering on the middle toe of the Marans.

Cuttings for Defects

Breed Shape
Shanks and Toes
Langshans and Faverolles which the Marans will be grouped with when the SOP is updated.
1/2 to 1 1/2 point for each
This is in the SOP book 2001 on page #31

So this would be just a fault.

Going back to the Black Copper SOP discussion thread, the very first post lists it as a fault too.
If it is No Longer a Fault, then some cleaning up needs to be done on a few threads that we started a couple of years ago. . . .
Geesh...what a pain. It's definitely a fault, not a DQ, for feathers between toes and on toes other than the outer edge of the outside toe. Per the Marans SOP, and cutting for defects section of the SOP (it's a DQ for CLEAN LEGGED varieties of fowl, but not feather legged ones).
Geesh...what a pain. It's definitely a fault, not a DQ, for feathers between toes and on toes other than the outer edge of the outside toe. Per the Marans SOP, and cutting for defects section of the SOP (it's a DQ for CLEAN LEGGED varieties of fowl, but not feather legged ones).
OK, glad that is cleared up ;-) Now am I remembering correctly that it is a DQ for a Marans to have clean legs?
Thanks Wynette; after I posted that I went back to the website and re-read over what is there and realized the answer was there ;-) hoping to be able to get my pullets banded and photo'ed this weekend, but I don't have my schedule yet, so might have to wait awhile longer; we're shorthanded at work and it always gets in the way of the rest of my life!
I am sure the answer is somewhere in these pages.....but it didn't come up when I searched.

So, I am sorry, since I am sure you get this question a lot.

I just hatched out four marans and one olive egger (3/4 Marans).

All are black copper.

They are from a breeder, who's chickens are beautiful.

OK, ..........

1. is there anyway to guess how much copper will show in their adult feathers from the face markings on the chicks? The breeder had one hen with quite a bit of copper, and another with very little.

2. Is there any good way to sex them? Or am I stuck having to be patient?

Thank you!
I am sure the answer is somewhere in these pages.....but it didn't come up when I searched.

So, I am sorry, since I am sure you get this question a lot.

I just hatched out four marans and one olive egger (3/4 Marans).

All are black copper.

They are from a breeder, who's chickens are beautiful.

OK, ..........

1. is there anyway to guess how much copper will show in their adult feathers from the face markings on the chicks? The breeder had one hen with quite a bit of copper, and another with very little.

2. Is there any good way to sex them? Or am I stuck having to be patient?

Thank you!

Every time I've hatched, or bought chicks, the ones with the most white on them ended up being roosters, worked for me!

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