Black Copper Marans discussion thread

(T Jack 101)

Your pullet is beautiful ... wish i could see your others .... but if you have problems with heat you must provide cool shade (like white tarp over big area) like good shade trees (no price is to high for good shade ) .... air flow is needed if the air can be pulled from a cool spot (like another shade tree) . Chickens are not meant to be stuck out in the blazing heat to dry up like raisins and die ....
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Your pullet is beautiful ... wish i could see your others .... but if you have problems with heat you must provide cool shade (like white tarp over big area) like good shade trees (no price is to high for good shade ) .... air flow is needed if the air can be pulled from a cool spot (like another shade tree) . Chickens are not meant to be stuck out in the blazing heat to dry up like raisins and die ....
My entire coop and run is in full shade. It gets little slivers here and there throughout the day but mostly shade the whole time and definitely shady places to go to if one spot gets a sliver of sun for a bit. I know they will cook in the sun in Texas heat. That said even in the shade here it gets HOT! I dont have any problems with them but I havent had them long. These are my first chickens. Dont have current pics of the other ones but here they are a month ago... 2 Easter Eggers(white and speckled one), 1 Red Sex Link, and 1 Black Australop


Big Baby Bubble Blue is not too flighty. She flew up onto my arm last week. Probably because she is surrounded by a bunch of nuts. They just want their favorite treat and can't think of anything else. I have to leave so they can eat their food. Then I'll come back to give them their treat. What is the treat that they are so entirely crazy about?..........................


Raw brown rice!

Big Baby Bubble Blue is not too flighty. She flew up onto my arm last week. Probably because she is surrounded by a bunch of nuts. They just want their favorite treat and can't think of anything else. I have to leave so they can eat their food. Then I'll come back to give them their treat. What is the treat that they are so entirely crazy about?..........................

Raw brown rice!
None of the ones I've raised are nutso either.

My partner Michael lived on Kaua`i for 18 years and some people would feed dried uncooked rice to the game birds set loose by Iniki to kill them. He said it did indeed kill them as it swelled up when it got wet. I have heard mixed stories about feeding uncooked rice to chickens, but he was there and said he saw it. Here we sprout barley fodder and the adults and little chicks will run me over trying to get at it. The juvies have other ideas about it...or they just have hormone ideas instead. We also make a mash out of the fines (powder) left in the feeders from the pellets and add sunflower seeds to it. NO one turns that down, or scrambled eggs either.
My entire coop and run is in full shade. It gets little slivers here and there throughout the day but mostly shade the whole time and definitely shady places to go to if one spot gets a sliver of sun for a bit. I know they will cook in the sun in Texas heat. That said even in the shade here it gets HOT! I dont have any problems with them but I havent had them long. These are my first chickens. Dont have current pics of the other ones but here they are a month ago... 2 Easter Eggers(white and speckled one), 1 Red Sex Link, and 1 Black Australop

yes you have more beautiful birds !! i'm so happy for you with the shade trees and the Good Mind to use them for the chickens . It makes life so much better for them . The best situation is shade trees kinda in or near a bottom so that one can have the coil moisture rise from the ground into the shade area (kinda like air condition) . E\Have you ever rode out in the country with the window down and hand out in the breeze ? notice how much cooler the air is on your hand when going thru a bottom ..... enjoy .

Apparently raw unhulled rice is pretty much THE chicken feed of Asia. Cheapest thing around. The Korean Natural method uses it even for chicks. It is said to stretch the digestive tract, making it more efficient. Anyways, I feed them a lot everyday. No deaths yet. They canʻt get enough. I have been meaning to try sprouting and they have barley at the feed store.

I tried sprouting flax, even with the terra cotta. Too hard.

Maybe those birds died of starvation after Iniki. IDK.

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