Black Copper Marans discussion thread





So out of four chicks I got two rooster. The first two pictures are of the smaller roo with not a lot of color. The last two are off my bigger roo with a lot of color.

I have two hens also and they are the same. One with not a lot of color. The other with a lot of color.
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So out of four chicks I got two rooster. The first two pictures are of the smaller roo with not a lot of color. The last two are off my bigger roo with a lot of color.

I have two hens also and they are the same. One with not a lot of color. The other with a lot of color.

How old are these juvies?

Just curious if anyone has a different system for marking multiple different baby chicks besides toe punching, wing tagging, or plastic ties?
Toe nail polish, and sharpie dots do not work, lol.
How old are these juvies?

Just curious if anyone has a different system for marking multiple different baby chicks besides toe punching, wing tagging, or plastic ties?
Toe nail polish, and sharpie dots do not work, lol.

They are somewhere around 8 weeks old.

I have used the spiral reusable leg bands they sell at the feed store but they are only temperary for chicks. The chicks outgrow them and you have to switch them too a bigger size.

They are somewhere around 8 weeks old.

I have used the spiral reusable leg bands they sell at the feed store but they are only temperary for chicks. The chicks outgrow them and you have to switch them too a bigger size.

Thanks so much.
Any other suggestions/ ideas for very young chicks, anyone?

Your juvies are only a few months old, so they should start coloring in now, for awhile. Are you getting color in saddle feathers starting up? We have one six week old getting tiny copper spots along his saddle area. We have another 6 week old cockerel who is over colored on chest spots already, and has hackle color, but no saddle color coming in as of yet. (Different hen.)

Out of 38 chicks now so far, we have only 12 pullets! Is this a record? lol Thought the odds were supposed to be around 50/50, lol. Didn't even think this was possible. The next batch however, looks mostly female at this time.
Thanks so much.
Any other suggestions/ ideas for very young chicks, anyone?

Your juvies are only a few months old, so they should start coloring in now, for awhile. Are you getting color in saddle feathers starting up? We have one six week old getting tiny copper spots along his saddle area. We have another 6 week old cockerel who is over colored on chest spots already, and has hackle color, but no saddle color coming in as of yet. (Different hen.)

Out of 38 chicks now so far, we have only 12 pullets! Is this a record? lol Thought the odds were supposed to be around 50/50, lol. Didn't even think this was possible. The next batch however, looks mostly female at this time.

They say the 50/50 rule only applies to batches of 100+... like flipping a coin sometimes you get heads several times in a row before you get tails. But with 100 flips they are pretty close to even as you are eliminating some of the randomness.
Thanks so much.
Any other suggestions/ ideas for very young chicks, anyone?

Your juvies are only a few months old, so they should start coloring in now, for awhile. Are you getting color in saddle feathers starting up? We have one six week old getting tiny copper spots along his saddle area. We have another 6 week old cockerel who is over colored on chest spots already, and has hackle color, but no saddle color coming in as of yet. (Different hen.)

Out of 38 chicks now so far, we have only 12 pullets! Is this a record? lol Thought the odds were supposed to be around 50/50, lol. Didn't even think this was possible. The next batch however, looks mostly female at this time.
sounds like my luck this year too; about 31 chicks of which only about 8 are pullets.
The other day I asked about eye color, my hen has yellow eye and some of her chicks had black eyes the rest were an orangish color. Someone told me their eyes would change, that they are! Now they look creepy with orangish colored specks surronded by black
I'm watching them everyday
to see what color they end up. Thank you for the info, this is neat to see them changing everyday (they are three months old).

Remember the hen I've been messing with for pics? I tried to move the hen and her eggs when she first went broody late at night, but she woke up stressed and left the nest. I put her back in the coop with her eggs at noon, giving up on her going back to the nest. Well after all the moving of her nest last month, then last week taking pics of her, she hatched some of the eggs! I'm so excited. I had to remove her chicks because the other broody hen (on the golf ball) stole her nest and two chicks were killed in the process.
I lost two chicks from the fighting, but moved 3 to the brooder in the basement. There are still 3 eggs left in the nest, but golf ball hen stole the nest.

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