Black Copper Marans discussion thread

Kim, I saw the Mossiness but didn't want to get to involved being the nice Guy that I am. Don
Thanks Don! I thought that your keen eye wouldn't miss that, but then thought to self, maybe I had been out of the loop so long that I was missing something. ¡Thanks again mi amigo!
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Not to be disagreeable but I believe the Cemani should also have the green Sheen. Look at the sheen on this bird and you will see that it is mostly Green. Don

Agreed! I see only green sheen on these birds. Indeed these birds are stunning, but all photos, and information that I have seen of this particular breed does not talk about purple, nor has shown it. I love chicken genetics!!!!!! The diversity of how they can be, what they can be, and what they will be just fascinates me to no end. :)
It has been noted in some of the Old Educational Poultry Books that if you breed the Green Sheen fowl real close and intense you will eventually get some with Purple Sheen. We still do not want the Purple period. Don

Really!?!?! That is particularly great information and totally interesting! Wonder how the green eventually makes it to purple? I think you just brought up something that deserves further investigation. Going to talk to my biology professor tomorrow (he is also a chicken fancier and breeder) to dig up some info on that for me. Will let you know what we come up with. I can imagine that there is something to be learned from this that will help all Marans breeders.
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Not to be disagreeable but I believe the Cemani should also have the green Sheen. Look at the sheen on this bird and you will see that it is mostly Green. Don
I won't disagree but in reviewing pictures and information on Cemanis and Sumatras, it's apparently at least not a mark against them to have the purple. Sumatras in particular are more purple than green. I think it's safe to say for our purposes, we don't want to see purple, ever! I have a couple of wheaten split hens that I will not be using that have a bit of purple on their feathers; probably from the color dilution of the wheaten. Live and learn.
I didn't even notice the Mossiness. I'll get a better look tomorrow. Will that molt out like the white wing feather?

Sometimes it covers with black, sometimes not, but is thought of to be an indication of Wheaten influence in the genetics, or at least that is what it was thought of before I took a forced sabbatical from breeding Marans for a while. :) And what Don said!!!!!
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