Black Copper Marans discussion thread

Also, the yellow in shanks means there is a cross in that line that is not Marans. Once you see yellow shanks in a line, you cannot use siblings for BCM breeding that are not expressing yellow, as they can be carrying genes for it without showing outward signs themselves- and yellow skin can skip a generation. It's one of those things that can't be bred away by selection. It is best to find better stock for breeding BCM.
Also, the yellow in shanks means there is a cross in that line that is not Marans. Once you see yellow shanks in a line, you cannot use siblings for BCM breeding that are not expressing yellow, as they can be carrying genes for it without showing outward signs themselves- and yellow skin can skip a generation. It's one of those things that can't be bred away by selection. It is best to find better stock for breeding BCM.
I learned that here, and that is exactly why I sold the whole flock. I'm hanging on to the pullets for OEs, but I'm going to focus on my AMs for now and start with better stock next time
So sorry. We have had experience with that from hatching eggs as well when we were starting out. We spent our first two years selecting different lines, then test mating for Wheaten and other flaws. However, as many poorly bred lines lines out there, there are some solid lines out there as well. No Marans are perfect- however. Ideally you should really start with a solid genetic base foundation to begin with- it takes years off the process of beginning your line.
It wasn't a pleasant experience, but a good one. I got all excited and bought the first dark eggs I saw. Then I joined BYC, got all excited about showing off my birds, and got a rude awakening
(Love ya Don

What that did teach me was the importance of breeder quality. I got some BBS Ameraucanas from Paul Smith, and they are fantastic. That's where the rooster in the OE pen came from. Next time I will thoroughly research before buying more BCM

My hatching eggs arrived in the mail today. They're not as dark as they look in the picture but they're still dark. Here's hoping for some good results!
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Maximus, the 1st... is 4 months old today, Dec 24, 2015. Im looking for input thus far on his quality... his hackle feathers are just starting to come in long, and hes getting more and more copper...

Judge him, teach me please what to look for, whats not good on him what is...






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