Black Copper Marans, more hatching questions??

I am pretty sure that the one that started to hatch yesterday is dead. I got all the chicks out of the brooder and it isn't moving or making any noise. Now do I try to help it or do an eggtopsy or what? I don't hear anything or see anything from the other eggs.
Nothing has happened since this morning. No pips. No peeps. No movement. It is the end of Day 22. Nothing smells bad. How long do I wait?
I actually did open the one that died and it was a perfectly formed little chick. He did look bigger than my barred rocks did. All the yolk was reabsorbed. In retrospect I should have stayed up last night to help him out but he started picking at his shell so I figured he was better off without my help. I guess you can only know that after the eggtopsy though.

Is it worth candling the ones I was pretty sure about now? Would I be able to see anything that would help me decide? So frustrating.
Here are the results of the eggtopsy:

11 BCM eggs
1 died while hatching
4 were dead when cracked on day #23, but definitely filled the shell. Did not appear to have internally pipped but I'm not sure how I would know
2 looked pretty developed but were much smaller and didn't fill the shell (died at lockdown or so?)

5 had no solid matter and either yellow or creamy liquid came out.

I had 1 Barred Rock that developed pretty far and died apparently in the last few days (didn't fill up shell but looked pretty advanced) and 1 that just looked like egg yolk.

Any thoughts as to why so many died in the last few days??

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