black hamburg hen, slow to develop?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 3, 2013
Hi guys, I wonder if any Hamburg owners can give me advice...
Ive only had isa browns before but a few months ago got a black Hamburg hen, however I am concerned as she is about 26 weeks old now and not developed any comb at all yet, where as the isa Browns were with a big red comb and laying at this point. Is it later for Hamburgs? She seems happy and healthy, the only thing weve struggled with is gettingbher to roost as she didn't like sitting next to the others but the last few days she has been on the perch (think she's trying to keep warm as the temp has dropped!), we've been placing her on the perch every night for the last few weeks!
Wonder if anyone can throw a bit of light on this for me :) thank you.

Can you post a pic of her comb? Hamburgs have rose combs, so sometimes folks who are used to straight combs think they're not developing correctly, when it's just the difference in the comb type.
Thanks for the reply, I posted a pic of her today in the thread titled Hamburg thread in this forum, not sure if the comb is clear in that pic, all she has is a pink area with nothing protruding, and her face is just black and feathery.

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