Black Jersey Giant: Hen or Roo?

Oh. I see.
“They” (trying to be “woke”) have a little longer rump feathers than the others have, but it’s my only Jersey Giant. Definitely the Alpha.
I received this chick with spraddle leg and had to make a splint. As a result, they were a bit of a late bloomer and didn’t grow as quickly the first month. He/she/it has since caught up.
My chickens are pets and have no other purpose than to love and be loved. No reproducing allowed.
Has anyone ever had their rooster fixed?
Oh. I see.
“They” (trying to be “woke”) have a little longer rump feathers than the others have, but it’s my only Jersey Giant. Definitely the Alpha.
I received this chick with spraddle leg and had to make a splint. As a result, they were a bit of a late bloomer and didn’t grow as quickly the first month. He/she/it has since caught up.
My chickens are pets and have no other purpose than to love and be loved. No reproducing allowed.
Has anyone ever had their rooster fixed?
They can't reproduce if you don't allow them to sit on the eggs.

You can castrate a cockerel, but it's not recommended for pets. They are awake during the procedure and sometimes it's not always successful.
Whenever they feel like it. Some crow as early as 6 weeks. Some don't crow until as late as 6 months.
He has such a beautiful green sheen to his feathers. The photos don’t do it justice.
Still a Rooster?
Definitely a cockerel in my opinion, as far as the eggs go I've never noticed any difference between shop bought and our own(which are fertile) accept that ours taste better!

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